Chapter Thirty-Eight: Accepting Courtship

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"Are you sure about this?" Thorin asked looking the two stood before him, he crossed his arms wondering how this would help him win Thalia's approval for courtship. 

Bilbo looked at Balin knowing that this was going to work, especially since Thalia had been the one to suggest this idea. 

"You've already show her that you can protect her, you've shown her that you can provide for her and you have shown her that you can mend things," Balin said recalling the last three attempts that Thorin had made to get Thalia to court him. 

Thorin nodded his head as he eyed the two before he sighed, he wasn't sure if he was prepared for this; this was going to be something new and he wasn't sure that he could do it. 

"Trust us Thorin," Bilbo said knowing that Thalia was going to say yes, she was nearly as nervous as the dwarf king and she didn't have to do anything but give him flowers to tell him that she accepted his courtship. 

The hobbit carefully stepped back as Thorin began to pace the room, he seemed torn and they knew it wouldn't be an easy task for him. 

"And you are sure that this will gain her acceptance?" Thorin asked turning to look at Balin, he wasn't sure that he was prepared for what was going to happen if she turned him down. 

It would make the rest of their journey awkward and they were due to leave for Mirkwood soon; he didn't need them avoiding one another over this. 

"Of course," Balin said turning to smile at Thorin, he wasn't about to tell his friend that Thalia already knew what was going to happen; the blonde was going to act surprised when the time came.


Thalia ran her fingers through her hair attempting to get the knots from it, she wrinkled her nose a little as she watched the sun setting. 

All day she had waited for some sign of Thorin approaching her and he had still not done so, Thalia huffed a little annoyed that he was taking so long. 

"Thalia?" said a gruff voice making the demi-god jump slightly, she turned surprised that she hadn't heard anyone approaching before she saw Thorin, who shifted looking a little nervous; something that Thalia had never really seen before. 

"Is everything okay?" Thalia asked as she stopped messing with her hair, she tilted her head as she watched him; she knew that he was meant to be trying to get her to court him. 

Thalia had told Balin and Bilbo everything that she could about dating back in her world and some of the odd traditions had shocked and appalled the two of them. 

Thorin nodded his head watching Thalia, he wasn't sure why he was so lost when it came to her; he knew it wasn't just because she was from another world. 

"I was wondering if you'd like to take a walk with me," Thorin asked trying to sound more like the king that he was and not some common dwarf, he wasn't even sure why he was this nervous. 

Thalia stared at Thorin for a moment before she nodded her head, the blonde pushed herself to her feet as she eyed him; she really didn't know what he was up to right now. 

Thorin offered her a rough smile, he had tried doing what Bilbo and Balin had suggested but he couldn't bring himself to it; it wasn't him and it never would be. 

The two had suggested that he prepare a meal for Thalia on his own to and for them to eat alone in hopes of wooing Thalia; however Thorin had dismissed the idea and had chosen his own.

"It's a beautiful evening," Thalia commented looking at Thorin wondering what was going on, she had been sure that Balin was convincing the dwarf to make a meal or something. 

Thorin nodded his head as they fell into a comfortable silence, he looked up at the sky knowing that he had one chance at this; after today they were going to be traveling and he needed to know if she would accept him. 

The two walked in silence for a while, the early evening air starting to get cold and they knew that they would have to head back soon since it was an early start in the morning. 

Thalia raised an eyebrow at Thorin knowing that this wasn't just a friendly walk, she wasn't sure what he expected to gain from this. 

"I actually have something for you," Thorin said finally knowing that it would be pointless to draw this out, he needed to know now if she would accept his courtship. 

Thalia nodded her head as she stopped walking and looked at Thorin, she tilted her head wondering what was going through his mind. 

Thorin carefully pulled something from his pocket and handed the small little bag over to Thalia, he watched her knowing that the past few months had changed so much for them. 

Thalia carefully opened the bag as she wondered what was going on, inside were several hand carven hair beads that all had beautiful designs. 

"They are courting beads, in my culture when a dwarf finds someone he wishes to court he gives them to her along with courting braids," Thorin explained looking at Thalia, he could see that she was confused and he hoped that they were okay; he had spent all day working on them instead of doing what Bilbo and Balin suggested that he do. 

Thalia opened her mouth trying to take in how sweet this was of him, she certainly hadn't expected him to do anything that sweet for her. 

"Thorin," Thalia whispered wondering what she could say, she really hadn't been expecting this and she knew that it must have taken him ages to make the courting beads.

Thorin watched Thalia knowing that things were very different in her world and she would have to be told later on just how important these beads were; his culture was very different and he didn't want to worry her or frighten her away. 

"Yes," Thalia said looking at Thorin, she knew that she would have accepted anything that Thorin had offered her; she had really grown to love him in the past few months. 

Thorin blinked staring at Thalia, he wasn't quite sure that he had heard Thalia right; he watched her knowing that this was important, if there was any misunderstanding then it could lead to trouble. 

"I accept your courtship Thorin Oakenshield," Thalia said with a smile on her face, she was a little surprised that he was so slow in catching on to what she had agreed to. 

Thorin stared at Thalia for another moment before he pulled her into a kiss, his hands holding the blonde to him knowing that this was what he had been waiting for. 

Thalia laughed softly into the kiss, she was sort of glad that she didn't have to run around and find flowers in the dark; she hoped her words would be enough for him right now. 

Thalia wrapped her arms around Thorin's neck as they kissed, she couldn't believe that this was finally happened. A sudden crack of thunder made the couple pull apart before it started to rain, 

Thorin looked up confused wondering what had caused the sudden change in weather while Thalia rolled her eyes. 

"Shall we head inside?" Thorin asked taking Thalia's hand, he knew that they had an early start the next morning and he wanted time to braid Thalia's hair before they settled down for the night. 

Thalia nodded her head knowing that nothing could take away from this special moment not even the rain that her father had caused. 

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