Prologue: Grandmama's Story

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"Grandmama," a little girl called running through the corridors of her home, her mother was busy with her brothers and hadn't noticed that she had slipped away; she dodged past people as she went knowing exactly where to find her grandmother.

The blonde girl ignored some of the mutterings of annoyance around her as she rushed towards her grandmother who was busy talking to her ladies-in-waiting.

"Athena, what a pleasant surprise... have you escaped your mother again?" the elderly woman teased, she smiled softly moving to sit down in her chair; the room was mainly silent with very few people inside and Athena nodded her head as she quickly took a seat, she was renowned for disappearing when it came to her younger brothers.

Athena's Grandmother sighed brushing some greying hair from her face, she was growing so old now that she was surprised that she was still alive.

She knew it was something to do with her not being completely human and that was her blessing, something she was thankful for every day as it allowed her to be with her family.

"I wanted to hear the story again Grandmama... the one about the dwarves, the hobbit and the brave witch," Athena announced smiling up at her grandmother, who sighed with a smile knowing what story that she was talking about.

She pursed her lips for a moment as she thought, it would be a while before her daughter, Athena's mother would be free to come and find her daughter and she truly had nothing else to do that day.

"Okay then," her Grandmother agreed smiling fondly at Athena, she could see herself in the little girl and she hoped that her granddaughter would never have to see the dangers of the world that she had seen as young woman nor would she ever feel unloved.

"Now where do I begin," her Grandmother mused while Athena made herself comfortable in front of her, she watched her grandmother curious about what the story would contain; she knew it was sort of different every time that she heard it but it was the best story that she had ever heard.

"Grandmama," Athena whined knowing that her grandmother was teasing her, the two would be alone for a while since everyone else was busy preparing for the big celebration.

Athena wasn't sure what her father was doing but she had a feeling he was with her grandfather; they had important jobs to do since her Grandfather was King.

Athena's Grandmother chuckled knowing her granddaughter was inpatient, something that she had clearly inherited from her grandfather; the greying blonde sighed knowing that it also reminded her of someone else, someone that she had lost so long ago.

"Now then, what is that phrase you use? Oh, yes. Once upon a time, there lived a young woman by the name of Thalia Hunter..." Athena's Grandmother said with a fond smile as the story came flooding back to her.

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