Chapter Eighteen: Dining with Elves

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Thalia took a deep breath preparing herself for dinner, she was refusing to stay in her room like Lord Elrond wanted her to; the blonde wasn’t in the mood to do as she was told to someone who she didn’t like.

“Are you sure about this?” Thorin asked eyeing Thalia, he was a little unsure about how things would go especially after she’d had a bit of a cry; he knew that Thalia was trying to be strong but he could tell that there was a lot going on in her mind.

Thalia nodded her head looking at him, she knew why he was worried and she didn’t blame him for disliking the elves; they did have a way of thinking that they knew best and they had clearly done something that they shouldn’t have.

“I’m sure… it’s better than being with them,” Thalia muttered, she had discovered her own dislike for the elves and it would take some time to adjust to the fact that Nathan Hunter wasn’t her father.

Thalia swallowed she needed answers and she knew that there was no way that she was going to get them anytime soon; the sky outside was suspiciously dark and it wasn’t her doing that the weather hadn’t returned to normal.

Thorin nodded his head watching her for a moment, Thalia was dressed in navy blue medieval dress paired with black pointed flats and he was sort of pleased that she was wearing his royal colours even if she wasn’t aware of it as she stood before him.

“I’m ready when you are,” Thalia said smoothing out her dress, she missed her jeans and was annoyed that the elves had taken her things and had yet to return them; she huffed wondering when she would get her stuff back.


“Thalia you are all better,” Bilbo said as Thalia arrived with Thorin, he ignored the bitter look of their host as he hurried forward to meet the witch; he couldn’t believe that she was okay after what had happened.

Thalia smiled glancing at Thorin who wrapped an arm around her waist to keep her at his side, he was sending some sort of message but she wasn’t sure what.

Fíli and Kíli shared a grin knowing that what their uncle was doing while Balin just rolled his eyes as they all took a seat; his friend didn’t like the elves attention to Thalia, but he hadn’t expected him to do this.

“Lady Thalia how nice of you do join us,” Lord Elrond said disapproval coloured his voice as he eyed the demi-god, he didn’t know why she was so taken with the dwarfs but it would bring her nothing but trouble especially since they planned to travel to the Lonely Mountain.

“Well I couldn’t stay locked up in my room forever now could I, despite what others may want,” Thalia said sitting down next to Thorin; she caught a smirk on his face while a couple of the others chuckled as her barb towards their host.

Thalia smiled looking at Lord Elrond, she wasn’t going to bow down to his wants and this had to be a new one for him especially since everyone listened to what he had to say.

Gandalf held back a groan as he looked at Thalia, he could tell that she was still angry about her meeting with Edward and he doubted that she would warn to the idea that Lord Elrond had for her.

“Try it. Just a mouthful,” Dori said trying to persuade his brother to eat something, they were being fed salad by the elves and none of the dwarves looked pleased about it.

“I don't like green food,” Ori huffed pushing away his plate, he pouted as he heard other members of the company grumble about the food they were being feed.

Thalia wrinkled her nose in disgust, she’d been fed nothing but liquids since she had woken up and now she was a little bit disappointed about what she was eating.

“Where's the meat?” Dwalin grumbled making Thalia glance at him, a small smile graced her lips knowing that she wasn’t the only one that would be craving proper food; she felt a hand rest on her knee making her look at Thorin who was conversing with Balin.

Thalia turned her attention back to Bilbo so that she could start talking to him, there was so much to talk about especially since they would be leaving to continue their quest soon.

Lord Elrond frowned as he watched the ease in which Thalia spoke with the dwarves, he didn’t know what it was about them that made her more talk able than when she was with his people.

“I was thinking that maybe Lady Thalia would like to remain here with us once the white council have decided what is to be done with this quest,” Lord Elrond said making everyone stop what they were doing and stare at the elven lord.

Thalia glared at him, she had no intentions of expanding her stay with the elves after what she had learnt; she couldn’t believe that Lord Elrond thought that she would want that.

Thorin frowned looking at Lord Elrond knowing that the elf was up to something, he still didn’t know what had been said that had upset Thalia but he knew that she wasn’t going to be warming to elves anytime soon.

“I’d rather not,” Thalia said politely as she could, she took a deep breath calming herself knowing that if she snapped at the elf then it could spell disaster for the rest of the company and their quest.

Thalia watched the look of disapproval that filled Elrond’s face as she denied his request, she wasn’t going to stop what she was doing just because he didn’t like it; she felt Thorin remove his hand, he wasn’t going to allow her to stay.

“I must protest as well… Thalia is a part of my company and I shall not leave her behind,” Thorin said eyeing the elven lord knowing that there was a chance that this would turn into an argument one that he had no intentions of losing.

Gandalf stared at the dwarf king knowing that this wasn’t going to end well if Elrond didn’t get what he wanted; the white council were not going to allow the company to continue if they annoyed the elf lord.

“Be that as it may… I must insist that the demi-god remain here with us, I’m sure she has much to learn and she can do it here with us,” Lord Elrond said staring at Thorin, knowing that with one demi-god already within Rivendell it would be better if the blonde remained with them.

Thorin looked confused for a moment spotting that Thalia was now glaring openly at the elf, he didn’t know why Lord Elrond had called her a demi-god but it was clear that she didn’t like it.

“I believe she is present and she won’t be staying here,” Thalia snarled glaring at the elven lord, she couldn’t believe that he thought that he could talk about her as if he knew best; she didn’t want anything to do with Lord Elrond or his people.

Elrond frowned as he stared at Thalia wondering why she would refuse his hospitality, she would flourish in Rivendell and certainly would be safer than if she stayed with the dwarves and their ridiculously quest.

Edward might not have been welcoming when he had first met Thalia but Elrond was sure that with a little time that he would warm to Thalia and show her what it meant to be a demi-god.  

However before Elrond could speak and try to persuade Thalia to stay with them for as long as needed; there was a loud crack of thunder echoed above making everyone fall silent; it was clear that this idea displeased someone else as well. 

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