Chapter Fifty-Five: The Difficult Decision

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Thalia took a deep breath as she pulled her blonde hair out of her eyes, today would be the day that they left for the mountain and they hadn't much time to find the door before Durin's day was upon them. 

Thalia had no idea what to expect when they reached the mountain, it was going to be difficult and she wasn't sure how much time they had left to find what they were seeking. 

Making sure that she had everything in her bag, Thalia walked out of the room that she had been given; she would be glad to leave the town behind since she was sure that the Master had people spying on them. 

The past few days and Thalia didn't wish to linger any longer, she could only imagine what was going to happen if they did and she was sure that Thorin wasn't going to be able to stand making any more delays for their trip. 

Thalia smiled spotting several of the company already outside, she was glad that she wasn't the first one down to breakfast and she could see that Thorin and Dwalin were missing. 

"Good morning," Thalia greeted setting down her bag and sitting down next to Bilbo, she was glad they were moving on and she wanted to make sure that Bilbo was prepared for what was going to happen when they reached the mountain. 

Balin smiled watching Thalia sit down, he was glad that things were going so well and he could only worry about what would happen when they reached the mountain; he feared what the gold would do to Thorin. 

Thalia might be the key to stop Thorin from succumbing to the gold sickness that his father and grandfather had fallen to; Balin just wanted things to be okay and he didn't know what was going to happen when they entered the mountain. 

"How did you sleep?" Bilbo asked sipping on his tea, he looked at Thalia knowing that things had been tense while they had been here in Laketown but it was going to get better.

Thalia helped herself to some toast, she peeked around the room taking count of how many dwarves had made it downstairs after a night of drinking; there were still members of the company missing but it was many. 

"I slept well," Thalia murmured with a small smile, she wasn't going to reveal what had happened between her and Thorin; it was between them and she knew that she didn't want anyone else to know about it. 

The room was silent with the occasional chatter while everyone sat around enjoying breakfast; they had no idea when they would get a chance like this again before they had retaken Erebor. 

Thalia peeked up as Thorin walked into the dining room with Dwalin, she hadn't really seen him since he had left early that morning so people didn't realise what had occurred between the couple. 

Thalia knew that Thorin didn't trust the men of this town, those who worked for the Master clearly couldn't be trusted; they were corrupt as the man that run Laketown and there was no denying that fact. 

"We leave within the hour," Thorin announced looking around the company, he knew that the next day or two were going to be rough as the climbed to find the door that would allow them back into Erebor.

Thorin felt a strange staring within him when he thought about his home, he didn't know what it was but he put it down to the fact that he hadn't been there in years; he had missed his home after it was taken from him. 

Dwalin walked passed him and moved to speak with his brother, they had a lot of planning to do and Thorin had made some decisions while they had been discussing how they would find the door that would let them in. 


Thalia didn't know what was but she couldn't shake the feeling that she was missing something, she stared at Thorin as everyone started to pile into the boat so that they could sail across the lake and towards Erebor. 

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