Chapter 14: Captured

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I pinched my nose and glared at the green bushy plant in the blue pot. It was lying on its side. Black dirt spilled on the dirt-stained cracked tiles. I huffed before tearing my gaze away from it and looking around. I was in an old, old weathered building. There was literally nothing in it: just cob-webs and dust flying into the choked moonbeams. It was just one large room with large enough beams above my head for me to rest on. This was one of the abandoned ware-houses my father, Gabriel, once used.

I grit my teeth, the left side of my face ached from Ladybug dropping me onto the hard ground. I stiffened, feeling her gaze burning into me before I lifted my gaze to meet hers. The moonlight squeezed through the cracks of the weather-worn wooden door and wall behind her, giving her a silvery silhouette. I narrowed my eyes as I scowled at her.

I sprang to my feet, ignoring the siren's call of the catnip. A hiss escaped my lips as I grabbed my staff and used it to launch myself onto the rafters above my head. I peered over the edge with a soft growl, glaring at her.

She blinked. Her bell-blue eyes watched me as I felt my tail swing against my ankle. I zeroed in on her earrings as they glinted in the moonlight. I could use them to be completely free from Hawkmoth. He still bugged me every now and then. I could use her earrings to permanently shut him up or sever the connection in my head. I could feel a sly smile curling my lips as Ladybug raised an eyebrow before releasing a sigh. I quickly scanned the vast room for Plagg. The little Kwami would be able to alert Ladybug to my intentions.

My gaze landed on the little black cat rolling in a pile of broken catnip leaves. I growled as my nostrils flared at the minty scent. My tail lashed back and forth as I resisted the urge to join the small kitty. I shook my head before returning my gaze to Ladybug. She was still watching me, her eyes holding a knowing sparkle as she briefly glanced at the catnip then at me. I bristled at her motion. She thought I was weary of the catnip. I hissed at her as concern darkened her eyes. Disgust filled my gut before I snarled.

Ladybug sighed softly with a slight shake of her head, turning her attention to the black Kwami. My ears perked forward as I leaned over the beam more, watching her as she approached Plagg. He gave protesting yowls when she snatched him from the catnip. She silently scolded him as I strained my ears for her words. Plagg hovered beside her, glancing at me as she bent down and cleaned up the mess, scooping the dirt back into the pot before setting it upright on an almost clean tile.

I snorted with laughter at her after she had given up in gathering the loose earth. She glared at me with a disapproving frown before she rose to her feet, folding her arms across her chest. I narrowed my eyes and returned her glare. A chill zipped down my spine before I released a hiss, digging my claws into the large wooden beam beneath me.

Warmth seeped through me. I lifted my gaze to see the rising sun bleeding through the worn wood. I quickly glanced at Ladybug to see her heading to the far left upper corner. The corner was close to the door. I bristled. She was there to prevent me from leaving. I quickly scanned the four walls, looking for a window large enough for me to squeeze through for when the time came.

A small dirty window caught my attention. It was big enough that I could squeeze through it; but, it was in a place that I couldn't reach very easily. It was lower than the rafters I sat upon, close enough that I could probably climb through it. I scowled at it. I guess I'll know when the time comes.

I snorted before looking at Ladybug to see her curling up into a ball in her little corner. I snorted at her choice of resting place. I glowered at her as her transformation wore off. I yelped and sprang back; hitting my head, and back, on the wall behind me when a red thing zipped through the rafter I sat upon. It halted in front of me, squinting its blue eyes at me before blinking.

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