Chapter 10: Plagg

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I stared wide eyed at Cat Blanc. He had changed after Plagg had pressed his paws against Cat's. His blonde locks were now black as midnight and his impossibly green eyes were ruby red while his smile was full of jagged teeth.

I screamed and covered my face, while curling into a ball as his cataclysm came towards me. I jerked still when he hiss softly. I peered through my fingers in time to see his legs swing over me.

I tilted my head back as he turned around and glared at the person most likely standing at my feet. I quickly rolled to my side before springing to my feet, grasping my yo-yo only to feel empty air. Alarm raced through me as I glanced around the building top, another hiss resonated through the air.

I snapped my head up and stared at the figure before me. "Hello Plagg." The white cat cooed as I stared at the black cat before me who growled in response to Cat Blanc. I slightly tilted my head as I studied him. The only thought going through my mind at the moment was: Why does he look like Adrien?

I shook my head free of the distraction. I dove for my yo-yo at the White Cat's feet once he had stepped over it. I heard a hiss and felt someone's gaze on me briefly before I felt somebody leap over me. I glared at a pair of white legs making their way towards me. I shot my hand out and grasped his left ankle. A startled yelp escaped him as he collapsed on top of me. I curled my legs against my body last second, avoiding the feel of his weight.

I gasped when I felt someone grab my wrist and drag me to my feet before picking me up bridal style. I blinked as Cat Blanc released a string of colorful words as Plagg's familiar voice purred in my ear. "Don't look down." I did so any way, feeling a growl rumble in his chest. "How does Cat deal with you?" He whined before he landed on a building. I yelped when he dropped me.

I glared at him as he folded his arms and returned my glare. He snorted and looked around, his tail swishing beside his legs. "How were we flying? Why do you look like Adrien? How did you turn from a little cat figure into a humanoid?" I asked as he flinched at my 'Adrien' question. I narrowed my eyes. I sat up and folded my legs. He somehow knew about Adrien, who had gone missing when Cat Noir was Akumatized. "Do you know where Adrien is?" Plagg glowered at me as his mouth twisted into a disproving frown, narrowing his dark electric green eyes; they almost looked like the same color as Adrien's.

"Do you want me to answer your questions or not?" He snapped as I opened my mouth to respond. "If you do then shut up," he hissed, never giving me the chance to respond. I closed my mouth and stared at him with a scowl. I couldn't help but feel that he's going to be more difficult to deal with than my Kitty.

"Then answer them instead of glaring at me." I huffed and folded my arms as he rolled his eyes.

"How I can fly: easy, I am a Kwami. I can fly and levitate like I did when I was the little cat." Plagg flashed me a grin as he let himself fall on his back. I flinched but was surprised when he never hit the roof. He crossed his legs and placed his hands behind his head, the tip of his tail twitched as he watched ash float across his face. "As for looking like Adrien," he hesitated, searching for an answer. "He was on your mind so I took his form," he said rather quickly. I narrowed my eyes. I wasn't thinking about Adrien until after Plagg took his form.

"No. You did not. I wasn't thinking about him until after." I snapped as Plagg flashed me an irritated look.

"If you want a straight answer from me about my appearance," he sat up then leaned forward with a grin, his face close enough to mine. I scowled as I leaned away from him. There was no way I was going to kiss him to get the info I wanted. "Then, find me two large rolls of camembert cheese and I'll think about it." I blinked at him, dumbfounded by his request as he burst out laughing. I knew he was mischievous. I have heard more than one muttered complaint about him from Cat Noir.

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