Chapter 6: Akumas

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"Oh, Tikki. How am I going to get him back?" I groaned as I let myself drop on the bed, tears stinging the corners of my eyes. I loved Cat like a brother. He's more than a brother to you. A little voice whispered. I blinked before quickly shaking the thought free.

I jumped with a squeak when my phone began to buzz on my computer desk below. I sprang off my bed only to trip over my own feet and face plant it on the edge of my bed, almost falling off. I grumbled under my breath as Tikki's tinkling laughter filled the air.

"Hello, this is Marinette." I chimed happily as I rolled onto my back after answering the phone. I sat up suddenly, staring at the rising sun. I looked at the time on my phone clock. It was late, again. I sighed miserably. I hadn't gotten any sleep at all last night. I was too busy worrying about my kitty cat; my parents were kind enough to bring me my meals. I sighed again as I returned the phone to my ear.

"Girl, have you seen the news!?" Ayla's voice yelled at me, rattling my brain while I held the phone away. I blinked and looked at the black screen of my computer. I approached it, flipping it on before holding my phone between my shoulder and ear.

"Um, not yet."

"You need to, now. It's about Adrien." I wanted to squeal; but, the sound of her worried voice made me freeze. Panic set in as I looked up the news channel. My mouth dropped at the sight of his home. It was nothing but a dust pile. Cat. Cat is the only one who could do this. Why would he do this? Does he know who my crush is? When did he collapse the building?

My words caught in my throat as I studied the rest of the surroundings, looking for the White Cat. I froze as the news station flipped showing Cat Blanc sitting on his hands and feet on a building across the street. He was staring into the camera. A dark smile twisted his features while his impossibly dark green eyes sparkled cruelly. He moved his lips saying something that no one heard. 'Come and get me, Ladybug.'

I swallowed as he rose from his perch and dropped out of sight, causing the camera to rotate and search for him. After a while, they gave up and returned their attention to the building. Ayla was going on about something dealing with Cat Noir.

"Ayla, I've got to go." I hung up on her before she could say anything more. I clambered up my ladder leading to my bed. "Tikki, Transform me!" I cried as I flung open my trap door, preparing to climb out and grasping my yo-yo. I grit my teeth as I tossed it, not even aiming.

"Marinette!" A small voice called as I stilled. My yo-yo bounced off of a random building before returning to me. I blinked before looking around, searching for the little voice. Terror set in when the name sank deep. I looked around in a panic, searching for the voice. "I'm right here." The voice snapped beside me, causing me to jump with a squeak.

I turned my attention to the source of the sound. I focused on a floating black Kwami, whose tail was twitching irritably. "Plagg?" I question as he scrunched his nose at me and flicked his ears, trying to hide the shining tears in his green eyes. "What are you doing here?" He sighed as he wiped his eyes.

"You are the only one who can save Cat Noir," he murmured as he wiped a stray tear. I started spinning my yo-yo again. I looked up as siren's wailed. Something moved from the corner of my eye. I turned my head to the movement as dread filled my being. My knees felt weak before I dropped to the ground.

"Cat, what have you done?" I whispered softly, watching the Eiffel Tower slowly crumble to the ground. That had so many memories that were held dear to me. Mine and Cat's first victory, the bowler hat I made that Adrien's father approved of. I shook my head before I looked up at the vanishing tower. I grit my teeth as anger pulsed through me. "Continue talking to me Plagg."

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