{Chapter 10}

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It was the weekend I was minding my own business, watching anime (Orange) when I heard a huge BANG. Next thing I knew is that my door was on the ground, shattered in a million pieces.

There I saw Garroth standing there.

"MY DOOR!" I cried.

Garroth is like the Door Assassin...

"Uh, sorry about that... Well, what I am telling you is more frightening then me breaking your door. I want you to go to a double date with me and... A-Aphmau." He said.

A... Double date?

"Uh... That's kind of sudden. Wait you said that your going with... Aphmau? Aw, my Gaurrence ship has sunk..." I mumbled.

"Gaurrence? What is that? Anyways can you please go!" He begged.

I sighed. Now I see why Laurence always says that Garroth begs a lot...

"I don't know. Besides who would I even go with?" I asked.

"I don't know... Katelyn? Lucinda?" He offered.

I shiver went down my spine when he said 'Lucinda'. We haven't spoken ever since out little fight last week. Well I wouldn't say it's a little fight...

"I'll think about it" I said (as an excuse).

"Well you better think about it fast cause the date is today, Travis"


"Speak about last minute notice, Garroth"

"H-hey I just asked her yesterday and I didn't know if she would say yes or no... Besides since it's a double date she is trying to get someone to come to"

I sighed. "Fine. I'll go. But if Katelyn rejects me, I'm not going"

He smirked. "She won't reject you, heu heu heu heu" (I don't know how to 'spell' Garroths laugh, so there just insert his laugh.)

I blushed.

"I'll call her..."


"Katelyn, pleasssse!" Begged Aphmau.

"No." I said like a five year old that doesn't want to eat their vegetables.

"PLEASEEEEEEEE!" She whined.

"Ugh, Aphmau I am NOT going to some double date!"

"Katelyn... I'll buy you ice cream!" She bribed.

"Ha! I am not falling for your bribing-ness! Ask some one else"

"I did... But there all busy. Your my last hope!"

I sighed. "No! I don't want to go. Not after I figured out what Tsundere means! Your in big trouble"

"I'm sorry! I really am! But if you want to be a big old meanie be one!" She pouted.


"Aphmau... Fine. But you owe me big time. Big time."

"Yay! Your the best! I know that I can always count on Katelyn!" She jumped up and down.

"Yeah yeah. Who am I going with though?" I asked, even though I knew what she was going to say, Travis.


Man I am like some mind reader, really.

"Ugh, even if I did ask he would probably say no" I denied.

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