{Chapter 4}

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After lunch I headed to my next classroom which was called, art 101. Weird, I never remember taking any art classes when I had to sign up...

As I got into the classroom I noticed that there where canvas's everywhere, paints in every color that you could ever imagine in, all the shades of pencils and axles for canvas's. I starred in awe.

I must of looked like and idiot in from on the classroom gazing at it with my mouth hanging but I didn't care.

I drew, as a hobby. Nothing more then that. I never took classes nor took it seriously. My parents would anyways say that it's just distracting me. Whatever.

I was beginning to like the fact that I randomly got chosen to be in this class.

I sat down at a long table that had many chairs on it. I didn't really know anyone yet at school until I saw someone familiar sit beside me.

"Travis! Long time no see!"

I turned too see Lucinda. I felt my cheeks get warm. You see I always had a iny biny tiny crush on Lucinda even when I was a freshman

But I am not to sure if she is still my crush...

"Lucinda! Your looking as beautiful as ever!~" I joked.

She laughed it off and said, "Travis you never change!"

Right before I was about to say anything the teacher came in front of the class. I looked around to see only one seat that wasn't filled at that was beside me.

Someone is late...

"Hello fellow students! I am going to be teaching you about the history of art" said the teacher who was this middle aged woman.

Groans where heard from all over the classroom.

"Hehe, I'm just KIDDING! Haha! I'm gonna teach all of you how to express your art! Even if you don't think your good everything is considered art! What I want you to draw is anything you want!" She enthusiastically said while giving a big smile.

Wow her personality changed really fast.

I began to draw what I normally draw, anime until I hear the door slam open. All eyes turned to whoever just opened the door.

It was...

That blue haired girl.

Inbetween breaths the girl managed to say, "Sorry I'm late!"

"No problem gurl!" Said the teacher while smiling.

She looked for a seat and saw that the only empty seat was beside me. On this is going to be awkward.

She sat beside me and looked at the board that said the instructions the teacher just said.

I looked at her and she looked at me. She quickly looked down and mumbled, "Why are you staring at me, creep?"

"Huh?" I said while blinking. "Well you where starring at me too..."

"No I wasn't!" She denied while punching my arm.

"Ow..." I replied.

"Travis! Are you ok, sweety?" Asked Lucinda while touching my arm.

"Y-yeah... Thank goodness it wasn't the arm I draw with, haha!"

"Katylen, apologize to him." Lucinda said while smirking at the blue haired girl.

Hum, so her name is Katylen. It's.... Beautiful.

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