Headcanons about the day Reyna breaks

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So um I don't know if I posted this before, so if I did please go ahead and tell me okay~ Thank you :) Ahh it feels so good to write an update again XD

- She leaves Frank for a quick break.

- She goes to the Garden of Bacchus to try to forget about the stress.

- Instead, she finds herself thinking about all the sadness and stress in her life.

- The sadness control her until it's all she can think about.

- Frank finds her curled in a ball crying with Aurum and Argentum next to her after realizing that she's taking an awfully long time for a "quick break".

- "Reyna, what's wrong?" he asks, worried since he's never seen or even heard of her being like this.

- "Everything! My father, the rejection, the praetorship!"

- "Are you stressed? Sad?" he asks, deciding not to question the thing about her father.

- "Both," she sobs. "T-too many things depend on me! New Rome... if I make even one small mistake, everything could be ruined! And, if I s-step down, s-someone could just blackmail whoever they wanted to become praetor and--"

- "Calm down for a moment, Reyna. Why don't I get you some hot chocolate and you can dry your tears~"

- Frank returns with hot chocolate and talks with Reyna. Together they decide that Frank will take on a bit more of the role of praetor.

- Reyna still has panic attacks sometimes and Frank is the only one who can calm her down. She also constantly worries that she'll mess up, but Frank can still calm her down and reassure her that she'll be okay.


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