Ethan saw me and wiggled out of his brother's tight grip so he could come running to me. I picked him up and kissed his cheek while he told me that Ezra did something today. I didn't catch it because I was preoccupied watching my other son with his friends. The ginger Nathan ran off to the school bus with Peter, but Alex stayed behind and gave Ezra a big hug. Once he let go of my son, he ran off to the school bus, only shouting something that had Ezra laughing as he ran over to me.

"What was all that about, huh?" I asked Ezra with a bright smile once he got to me. I moved Ethan up better on my arm so I could carry him to the car more comfortably. Ezra blushed and held on to the straps of his backpack tighter as we walked to the car. Ethan was now telling me that the teacher was going to bring in a class pet.

"Baba, when my teacher said that, some boys told me that I was already the teachers pet. Is that a bad thing? Ezra told me it was and he went at lunch to-" Ethan begin to say when I got to the car. Ezra stopped him from talking by coughing and talking over his little brother.

"I went at lunch to get you to play some footie with me and my friends." He cut his little brother off with. I watched both of them closely give each other looks before getting in the car. I got in as well and turned to see Ezra looking down at his school tie.

"Ethan, being called a teachers pet is sometimes a joke and sometimes it's mean. Either way, don't let any one call you that." I said and waited for Ezra to talk to me. He didn't say anything else even though I was giving him an opportunity. He remained quiet so I just started the car.

"I want to learn how to box." Ezra mumbled, not looking up at me for a second. I turned and saw my son's blue eyes looking at me the same way I looked when I discovered I was actually good at boxing. I sighed and closed my eyes for a second before letting my natural parenting instincts come in. I know Niall would tell Ezra not to say that ever again and he would make sure to tell him the dangers of boxing and how he doesn't need to learn how to box. But for me, it was the complete opposite.

"Okay." I said and begin the drive back to the gym. The drive was quiet, but it was one that Ezra and I were both feeding off each other's natural instincts. That was the itch to fight and for the first time, I saw Ezra was beyond happy to go to the gym with me. Usually, I make them do their homework in my office then we go home. Now is going to be very different. Being born to want to fight is something that is always there just burning until you let it out and I know Ezra is in that spot now. Ethan was just looking back and forth between us and nervously biting his nails just like Niall does.

When we got to the gym, the three of us made our way straight to my office. The boys always had a change of clothes here, so they both changed into some loose shorts and tank tops. Mark knocked on the door and was tackled by my boys that were excited to see their grandpa.

"I have a present for you both. Here you go." Mark said, getting the two bags from the shelf and handing them to the boys. They opened up the bags that were small boxing gloves that said our last name on it. Ethan was happy to see that he got a present, but he put them back in the bag and just cuddled into his grandpa more. Ezra turned to me and I got the tape to start wrapping his hands up. I never thought I'd be doing this for my own son, but I was feeling more like a proud dad that my son wanted to do this. I wasn't sure why it was such a sudden decision, but I saw that he wanted it and I wasn't going to be a parent holding their kid back from what they want. As for Ethan, he was telling his grandma how much he loved him and how he was very thankful for the boxing gloves. Mark and I shared a look and smiled because we knew those would never be used by the young boy that just loves and loves some more.

"Thank you very much, Grandpa." Ezra said once I got the gloves on his skinny little arms. He went over and gave Mark a hug then ran out to go punch something. It's times like theses that I've never been more proud to call that kid my son.

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