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Author: Kylee (_KyleeRenee_)

Interview Response:

"Hello! My name is Kylee. I'm 17 years old. I received Jesus Christ as my Savior at 14 years old. I remember entering middle school hating who I was. I strived to be like my peers because I desperately wanted their approval. I hated being the outcast, being made fun of and not being accepted for who I really was. I watched, listened to, and thought about the things of this world. I consumed nothing but trash in my mind and I started to grow tired of how others wanted me to live. After years of being a slave to the world's standards on how I should look, talk, and think, I finally realized the amazing thing that I desired the whole time- a relationship with Jesus Christ. Now I'm happier than I've ever been, I'm learning to find my identity in Christ. He's given me such a hope for the future, I'm so grateful for my struggles because if it wasn't for them I would've never met my best friend Jesus.

"A little bit about me:

"My favorite verse is 1 John 1:9~ 'For if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.' My favorite Wattpad authors are TakeSomeNotes & ConquerorJez (you should seriously check out their books, they're amazing). The High School Musical movies are my faves! I love the color mint green and I also love to draw. In the future, I plan on being a Christian Counselor and hopefully I'll have my own art gallery. 

"As far as my Wattpad book goes, I've been currently working on Teens After Christ. Before I started the book, I wasn't sure how it would go. I was afraid I would run out of ideas, nobody would be encouraged, etc. I'm so blessed that God lead me to start the devotional, I've met so many amazing people through it and you all are truly a blessing! I plan on updating a lot soon since I'm on summer break and I have a lot more free time. I'm thinking about writing a Christian narrative in the future, I'm super excited to start working on that."

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