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Author: Jessica Rondeau (  )

"Hi! My name is Jessica and I am a follow of Christ. When I first started using Wattpad, I had just been saved and still involving myself in worldy activities. I was reading the dirty novels on Wattpad just about every chance I had. It was an addiction that took me at least a year to get rid of. Although I am ashamed of that part of my past, I believe God is using it for His glory.

For a while, I uninstalled Wattpad so I wouldn't be tempted. At the time, I didn't realize that there were Christian books on here so I didn't bother checking. Once I was strong in my faith and new I wouldn't be tempted to read them again, I reinstalled Wattpad for one reason only: to write a Christian book. I wanted to write a book that even unsaved people could enjoy reading and relate to while at the same time I could minister to them. My book, Bemusing Love, is a working progess that I really feel is doing so. From my own personal experience to the stuff I had read on Wattpad in my past, I pull it all together to write a book that still has wordly things in it (I don't ever go into too much detail; at least I hope I don't.) while informing others that we are made for more than the meaningless life we live and that God can forgive us all while we must repent and live for Him. I try to let them know that our God is a loving God while at the same time he doesn't love sins. I am a sole believer in staying pure and even though there is romance in my book, it has a much bigger meaning outside of it. 

Outside of my book, I love anything to do with music. I sing and write songs. I only listen to Christian music, but I listen to all genres of it; literally. Sometimes I will be listening to my music and it will go from a calm, soothing worship song to a heavy metal scream song. I even love classical music. My favorite artist currently would either have to be For King and Country or Relient K. I honestly can't really choose. I love so many artists that it feels almost unfair to just state one.

I promise you to about this; my favorite book is the Bible. How could it not be? It's THE Word of God! You know what I mean? . I don't quite have a favorite verse. I do have a lot of verses I love deeply. My favorite chapter is Psalms 51. When I read it, I almost cried. I felt as if someone looked into my heart and wrote down how I felt. It's beautiful. 

I was saved almost two years ago. I had been raised in church my entire life, but I had never truly lived for Him. About two years ago, I lost almost all my friends, my parents were arguing constantly, and we were struggling financially. I felt so alone, overwhelmed, and depressed. There were nights were I would cry for hours in my closet with the lights off just begging God to take me out of this world. I would've killed myself if it hadn't been for the fact that I knew it would take me straight to Hell and that it would hurt my family more than it would hurt me. 

I don't want to go into too much detail on what exactly triggered my salvation due to the fact that it involves the personal life of those close to me, but I would like to sum things up. 

During the summer before my ninth grade year, I was going to church twice a week. This consisted of going to church on Sunday morning and going on Wednesday nights to my church's youth group. One night, it just struck me. I went to the alter that Wednesday night and just balled my eyes out. I saw Him in a whole new light.

It's been a long road since then. I wasn't solely living for Him right away. It took me so long to stop listening to bad music, watching bad shows, going crazy over boys, and all around just living an unpure live. I no longer see it as a loss to give up the things of the world. I see it as a blessing that He has opened my eyes to see the truth. He has convicted me of my sins, shed His grace and mercy upon me, set me free from bondage, broken my chains, wrapped His loving arms around me, and provided me a life I could've never imagined...I couldn't imagine my life without Him. I could go on and on praising Him and telling you all the things He has done for me, but that would take incredibly long."

Hope you enjoyed reading about Jessica's story just as much as I did! It's very interesting to hear about other's Christian's stories. Be sure to check jessbecreative's works out!

P.S. stay tuned for a contest that I'll be posting on the "Contests" book on this account soon! I'd love to have as many people involved as possible!

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