
I didn't see Dan the next day at school. That was alright though. I've found he does that sometimes. Just vanishes for a little.

I busied myself by actually getting some work done in class, taking advantage of my unusually clear mind. It was strange, without Dan swirling around my thoughts, I didn't know what to do with myself.

I stared at my algebra, answering the questions despite my immense lack of sleep.

While class may have been more productive with Dan away, my lunch was much worse.

Even though Dan sometimes got roped into sitting in the cafeteria, he normally came sit with me, or at the very least he'd stop in my usual classroom and chat for a few minutes. I missed him in his absence. Instead of looking forward to his arrival, I sat alone knowing that I'd remain alone all day.


That night when I got home I found that I was alone in the house again.

I dropped my bag at the door and wandered over to the large couch that was in my living room.

My intentions were to do some homework, or maybe draw, but my eyes were getting heavy. I curled into a ball, and ended up sleeping, making up for what I missed the night before.

When I woke up, it was dark. Not a little dim. Dark. I had failed to turn on any lights when I got in the door, and it was pitch black outside.

I fumbled for my phone, only to find it dead. Great. Just great.

I stoop up slowly, desperately trying to use reason. I knew there was nothing to be afraid of in my house, but I also knew that if a killer was in here, I wouldn't know until they attacked me.

I started walking slowly, until I bumped into a table. My heart was beating fast. I started running, and scrambled up the stairs. My breaths were becoming heavy. I saw that my bedroom light was on, and I practically dove in.

I slammed the door behind me, and leapt onto the bed, pulling the multicoloured blanket up to my chin.
I turned my lamp on and took a few breaths, calming myself down. Stupid dark.

Just as my breaths began to even, a heard a sharp tap coming from the other side of the room. I ignored it, but it became more persistent, getting louder. Tap. Tap. Tap.

I pulled my blankets up in terror, locating the sound to my window. Tap. Tap. The blinds were drawn, so I couldn't see what it was. Tap. Tap.

I approached slowly, holding up my pillow as a weapon, fully convinced I might die at any second. Tap.

In one fluid motion, I pulled the curtain and leapt backwards, screaming softly as I went.

I looked up at the window.

Dan was there.

Crouching on the ledge outside my window.

Tapping on it with his finger.

He raised his eyebrows at me. Oh yeah, he's stuck out there. I realized.

I scurried over, fumbling with the lock for a few seconds before pulling it open.

Dan crawled in, landing awkwardly on my floor.

discontinued // my winged warrior // phanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon