Wedding Vows (Niall Horan)

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The room was buzzing with anticipation, not helping my nerves in the slightest. I closed my eyes trying to even my breathing. I don’t know why I’m so nervous, it’s her. The love of my life.

A hush fell over the room, making me start bouncing on the balls of my feet.

“Calm down mate..” Liam murmured, not moving his mouth. “People are looking at you weird.”

“Oh shut it I’m allowed to be nervous.. God, Li would if she doesn’t show up?”

“Of course she’s going to show up she looks at you just how you look at her. Puppy eyes.” Harry spoke. “It’s sickening sometimes...”

I opened my mouth just as the first keys of music started playing. I froze, my eyes fixed on the doors at the end of the isle. They opened, revealing her bridesmaids. They started walking slow, too slow, then came the flower girl and then.. Her.

I felt my mouth go completely dry, the moisture seeming to leave it and go straight up to my eyes. I can’t believe I was about to cry. She was smiling at me, widely, her eyes tearing too. I pressed my sweating hands to my pants, before reaching out, maybe a little too soon but I just couldn’t wait any longer. She sped her walk up a little, not caring to match the music anymore and grabbed my hand tightly. When we were face to face, I took both of her hands in mine. I couldn’t help but bring the one that would soon have my ring on it up to my lips and pressing a kiss to it.

She rubbed her thumb over my knuckles, bringing our hands to rest between us. The priest stated it was time for our vows, nodding to me gently. I took as deep a breath as I could.

“I don’t know how good I’m gonna be at this vow thing to be honest.. I wasn’t really sure what to say. When I thought about it before a million things came to me. But we don’t have that much time..” Some people were kind enough to laugh at my stupid joke. “Anyway, the point is, I’m in love with you. It’s really just that simple. I am so in love with you that sometimes I can’t think straight. I love how you hate ice cream with you pie even though that’s one of the best food combos in the world and you don’t know what you’re missing out on.” That one earned real laughs, but they were all muffled except hers. “I love you scramble eggs so freaking carefully, while mine are practically on the stove. I miss you every second I’m away from you and I know that’s a lot and I hate myself for that but I know that I love doing what I do and I know we will be ok as long as we come home to one another.” And then I was sniffling like a baby, not that I cared, I wasn’t about to end my rant now. “I adore when you wake up in the morning cause all you want to do is cuddle and I will always do that cause I love it just as much as you do. I will always watch the Harry Potter movies with you no matter how many times I’ve seen them. You’ve seen them more but you still love them so I love them too.” I was aware that my thoughts were kind of random now but I had to tell all of it to her, I had to. “And y’know those butterflies? Those stupid, cliche butterflies you always talk about?” She smiled nodding, wiping her wet cheeks with the back of her hand. “Well I have those, love. You give me those and now... now I never want you to stop giving me those. So I married you. Cause I’m so in love with you and the butterflies you give me.” I took a shuttering breath, breathing out my last line, “So in love.”

It’s just the truth.

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