Abused. (Larry)

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His fist came down on Louis stomach, causing him to gasp, more tears leaking out of his eyes. This had been going on for about 5 minutes now. Kicks to the stomach, punches to the jaw, slaps to the cheek. You might be thinking why Louis hadn’t cried for help. Well that’s just it, he can’t.

Louis Tomlinson, is mute. Always has been, always will be. He could cry out, he couldn’t beg for his “boyfriend” to stop. He couldn’t even break up with him. He had no voice.

None at all.

Celeb’s fist came in contact with Louis ribs over and over. Pain was ripping through Louis body like white hot fire. He wanted Harry. No, he needed Harry. He needed Harry to get Caleb off of him. He needed comforting words, his kisses, his hugs, his soft touches. He needed Harry’s love.

“That’s right, you can’t make a sound.” Caleb’s breath smelt strongly of alcohol, making Louis turn away.

“Look at me when I’m talking to you, you little nothing!” A harsh slap came to Louis face.

He met Caleb’s eyes with his own pleading ones. Caleb smirked, roughly pushing Louis against the floor and got up. Standing over Louis, he looked down on him.

“That’s enough for this time.” He gave him one last kick to the stomach before waltzing out of the apartment.

Louis heard the door slam shut, and let out a silent sob. He was screaming for Harry inside, screaming for him to find him. Screaming because of the pain in his ribs, his chest, his head, his face. His body hurt. He knew some of his ribs could be broken and he knew his body was bruised all over.

He looked over at the coffee table at the phone. Harry had installed it for him for emergencies like this. All he had to do was dial Harry’s number and make some type of noise. A crash, breathing, anything.

The question was, could he make it over there? He had to.

Louis tested his arms first. They worked alright, a little stiff but they hadn’t taken many blows. Next his legs. A little painful but alright. His ribs though.. It hurt to breath. He braced himself onto his elbows without much difficulty before slowly, moving an inch.

Louis squeezed his eyes shut, letting another shuttering cry out. The hot burning was back. He had to get Harry though, and fast. He dragged himself over to the phone. His breath was ragged and sharp, causing shooting pains through every nerve in his body. Finally he reached the table and managed to reach up and snatch the phone.

His hands were shaking so bad he could barely dial the numbers. He had to re-dial at least three times. Finally he had it on speaker and the dial tone was ringing through the room.


Louis let out another breathy sob at the sound of his voice. Putting his racing heart to rest slightly.

“Lou are you.. Lou what happened. Oh god baby please be ok.”

Louis slammed his hand on the table, attempting to get Harry to realize that if he was calling him he wasn’t ok. But, that only sent him seeing black around the edges of his vision.

“I’m coming LouLou. I’m coming right now.” He could hear Harry running. “I’m coming baby. It’s all going to be ok.”

Louis wanted to tell Harry not to hang up, to keep talking to him. He wanted to tell him that he loved him for being him. He always wanted to tell Harry so much.

Luckily, Harry could practically read Louis’s mind.

“I’m coming, I’m almost there baby. You’re ok, alright? You’re ok.”

Louis could taste blood in his mouth now, from his lip, partly because it was split and partly from biting the screams that couldn’t come back.

“I’m in the lobby babe. I’m coming.” He was running faster than ever, he could hear the echoing of his feet on the stairwell, and I knew he really was close, I was only on the third floor.

He closed my eyes as another pain shot through me. He never knew anything could hurt this much. Caleb had never went this far.

Suddenly there were strong arms around him and he was being cradled. He opened his eyes to see Harry’s perfect face right there. The phone fell out of his hand, and he fell limp, gazing up at Harry. He was safe... Finally, he was safe again.

“I’m here baby, It’s ok. I’m here.” Harry whispered softly rocking Louis as he stroked the sweaty fringe off Louis forehead.

All Louis could do was mouth Harry’s name and reach up for him. Harry smiled, eyes watering, and  held Louis hand against his face. He carefully lifted Louis up in his arms, kissing his forehead when he winced. He carried him to the bedroom, softly laying him down on the bed.

“What hurts baby? What did he do?”

Louis pointed to his ribs, and Harry nodded, kissing Louis’s forehead again before going into the bathroom to get the tape and cream. They were pretty prepared for this situation. Caleb, well.. You never knew when he would strike, and he disappeared when he didn’t. It was quite hard to go after him.

He returned, with the supplies, before sitting next to Louis.

“I’m gonna check if anything’s broken ok love?”

Louis nodded, and let Harry’s warm hands explore his ribcage. He didn’t wince, the warmth felt amazing.

“I think it’s just bruised baby. I’m gonna cream and tape it up ok?”

Louis nodded, forgotten about the pain already. He was safe with Harry. He was in Harry’s care. He was, as cheesy as it sounded, in the warmth of Harry. 

He allowed Harry to ease his shirt over his head. He gasped and he looked down, to see my entire mid section, peppered in dark bruises.

“Oh Boo... I’m so sorry.” He looked at me with watery eyes and he frantically shook my head. 

He leaned down, placing a kiss on my lips before placing feather light ones on my bruises. “I’ll never let him touch you again.. I’ll never let anyone hurt you baby, I promise. Never again. You’re safe with me.” He looked up at me kissing my lips again. “I promise.”

I gave him a small smile and a nod to let him know I understand. To let him know that, I already feel safe.

He continued to whisper sweet nothings into my ear while fixing me up with gauze wrapped around my middle. He sealed it with a kiss and looked up at me with a smile, laying down beside me.

We lay there, staring at each other, taking the other in. I reached out and placed my hand on his heart. I loved him so much. He was my savior, my protector, my baby, my light, my world. I loved him. I was truly in love.

He smiled, kissing me deeply this time. “I love you too Lou.”

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