kidnapped (Larry)

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It was 1:26 AM when Harry got the call. He was sleeping peacefully on the couch, waiting Louis’ return home. Little did he know, Louis wouldn’t be coming home. Not for a while.

Louis had gone out with his friends to a bar at 9:30, Harry not coming along because he was tired. Louis had agreed to go without him after much convincing. Louis had kissed Harry’s forehead lovingly, then both his cheeks, then they kissed each other passionately on the lips.

“I’ll be back soon Haz,” Louis had said with a wink. “Love you baby.”

Then he left, with one more peck on the lips.

That was the last Harry saw of him.

Louis Tomlinson went missing at 12:32 AM, outside the bar. Harry was in a panic. Was he hurt? Was he alone? Was he scared? Where was he? All Harry wanted was his baby back.

That entire night, Harry cried. Niall, Liam, and Zayn came over, learning the news as well, and tried to comfort Harry, whilst being in their own misery.

Not that it did much. Harry felt broken. His other half was literally missing. For how long?

No one knew.

3 months later

Everyone was losing hope. But not Harry, no.

Everyone was starting to believe the worst. But not Harry, never.

Harry refused to believe that Louis was gone for good. That couldn’t be. Harry’s theory was that, he couldn’t live without Louis. Therefore, if Harry was alive, so was Louis.

They carried on with their touring, but none of the boys were themselves.

Harry couldn’t focus on the music, or the concerts, or the interviews. He found it hard to give a smile even. He stopped laughing real laughs long ago, now they were forced and harsh.

People always say these things get better with time. Harry even told himself that but, they don’t. Not always. 

At least, that’s what Harry thought until he got the second call.

He was with the lads, they were trying to get his mind of Lou. Harry was even managing a few smiles, earning a famous Horan hug.

“There’s a little glimpse of our Haz!” Niall whispered into his ear and Harry couldn’t help but hug him back, clinging onto his friend, secretly wishing it was Louis.

That was the moment his phone rang. Harry fished it out of his pocket, freezing when he saw it was the police.

The rest of the boys gathered around, Liam being the first to notice Harry’s panic stricken face.

“H-haz. I can answer.. You don’t even have to if you-”

Harry ignored him, hitting accept.


They all waited silently, Harry listening to the women on the other line, and the boys desperately trying to make out the murmurs they could barely hear.

Each and every one of them, to this day, will swear their hearts melted when they saw the smile that covered Harry’s face.

“Thank you. Thank you so much.”

Harry hung up and promptly burst into tears.

“Haz! W-what...”

“They found him! Oh my god they found him. He’s ok.. He’s ok..”

This of course, if you had been there, would of caused you to witness four hysterically crying boys.

They drove as fast as they could to the park where he was rescued, going at least 15 over the speed limit.

Harry was the first out of the car, running to the ambulances and police cars, the others walking behind him, meaning to give the lovers a little time.

A policewomen was the first to spot Harry, who was looking around frantically. “Mr. Styles.”

Harry looked to the voice, and she smiled at him pointing behind her.

Harry’s heart nearly stopped. There was his Lou, sitting in the back of an ambulance, a blanket around him. He was filthy, and much too skinny, but beautiful as ever.

Harry started running towards him, causing Louis to look up at the heavy footsteps. Tears streaked through the grime on his face immediately.


Harry crushed into him, sobbing into his hair and pulling him into his lap. Louis curled up there crying just as hard, desperate for the warmth of Harry.

“Oh baby... Oh Boobear..”

“H-hazzah.. it was.. s-so bad-” Louis buried his face deeper into Harry’s neck.

“Shh baby.. Oh sweetheart, it’s ok. It’s ok. You’re safe now. You’re so safe. I’ll never let anything or anyone hurt you ever again. I promise. I promise you. Oh, I love you so much.. I missed you.. My Lou...”

“I love you Haz... I love you..”

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