Never Again (Larry)

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“But... No, no he’s not.” Harry tried for a smile at the doctor, sure he was joking. The doctor just looked at him sadly. Harry let out a short, desperate chuckle.

“He put you up to this didn’t he?”

The doctor shook his head. “No, I’m so sorry Mr. Styles-”

“No.” Harry said a bit to loudly, causing both of them to flinch. Harry continued in a calmer tone. “No, that’s not right. I’m gonna walk in there and he’s gonna be laughing his arse off and I-”

The doctor was still shaking his head. Harry’s voice started to crack.

“I’m gonna punch his arm and tell him never-” Slow tears had started to fall down Harry’s cheeks by now, “Never to do that again.”


That’s what Louis was now.

Never again.

Harry knotted his hands into his curls, looking at the doctor with a shocked, terrified expression.

The doctor looked like he was trying not to cry himself, as he motioned to the door. “I’ll let you say your goodbyes. I am so sorry..”

Harry walked towards the door. Louis was going to be sitting up, smiling, eating that raspberry jell-o he loved. Harry was sure of it. He would lean down and kiss Louis, tell him how much he loved him.

But when Harry opened the door, there were no smiles. There was no laughter filling the air. There wasn’t even any jell-o. There was Louis though, just not the right Louis.

Louis wasn’t sitting up. He was lying there, pale, lifeless. No smile on his face. Louis wasn’t even breathing.

Harry walked over to him from his frozen place by the door. He put his hands on his lovers shoulders, shaking gently.

“Lou.” His voice cracked.

There was no response. Harry let the tears come, hard and fast, blurring his vision.

“Lou, baby, it’s time to get up. We’re going home.. You’re all better.”

Harry was desperately trying to fool himself. Again, no response. That was when the first of the sobs escaped. Harry’s head dropped to Louis silent chest.

“Please... Please baby, wake up.”

Harry’s energy was gone. His voice dropping to a whisper, shaking uncontrollably. “Please.. Please.. Wake up...”

But there was nothing. No sound at all except Harry’s whispered pleas and sobs.

Finally, the doctors had to take Louis away.

Breaking Harry’s heart.

He would never see Louis again.

Never again.

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