He holds your daughter for the first time (Harry)

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“Here you go Mrs. and Mr. Styles, you’re new baby girl.” The nurse smiled sweetly. “Who gets to hold her first?”

“Me!” Harry shouted before he could stop himself. He flushed and looked down at you. “I mean you can babe.”

You laugh at his cuteness, and wipe your hair out of your face. “No babe, I want you to. I want to take a picture.” You reached out and took his phone out of his pocket. 

He broke out into a smile as the nurse holds your daughter out to him. Immediately, the color drains from his face, and he visually tenses up.

“Would if I drop her.. Would if she starts crying..” He murmurs.

“She’ll love you Haz. Go on.”

He finally took your new born into his arms. She looked even smaller with him, she seemed to almost disappear in his hands.

His face was awestruck, his eyes bigger than you’ve ever seen them before.

“Hello...” He breathed.

Your daughter gurgled back at him and you saw his eyes fill up with tears. He smiled gently, tears coming down his cheeks.

“I’m your daddy. I’m your daddy, and you’re my little girl.” He whispered to her.

She gurgled louder this time, and reached her hand up, taking a tiny fist full of his shirt.

You smiled snapping the cutest picture you think you will ever see.

“Mummy and Daddy love you so much, do you know that? We love you so much. I love you so much. I’ll never let anything happen to you. I promise.”

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