See You On The Other Side (Larry)

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Their running was becoming frantic, the closer they got to the barbed fence. Louis had to get to get them out. He held on to Harry’s hand tighter and tighter, needing him to keep up. He could hear the guards heavy footsteps behind them. He hoped they weren’t getting closer, but he couldn’t tell with the wind in his ears. Both boys were breathing heavily, but Harry most of all. Louis had tried his hardest to keep Harry as healthy as possible. He would always let him have the first shower with the warm water, always gave him some of his own food ration, and always made sure he was warm and as happy as he could be due to the circumstances.

Louis had been planning their escape for weeks now. While he and Harry were on their free period or at lunch break he would go and dig a little bit of dirt from under the fence. When it was deep enough, he finally set his plan into action. It had gone slightly wrong though, and a guard spotted them. That left them running, out of breath and panicked.

A shot rang out, and he felt it wiz by his ear. Harry yelped and ran closer to Louis, already scared out of his mind.

“It’s ok baby keep running, keep running. I got you. We’re almost there.” Louis panted, trying to keep Harry motivated. 

Another shot was fired from behind them and Harry yelped louder this time, crying out.

“It’s ok baby.. It’s ok. Come on, faster.”

Finally, they were at the fence, the hole just where Louis had left it. He looked back, meeting Harry’s green eyes. 

“Go. Go baby!” 

Harry’s face was screwed up in what Louis guessed was fear, and he awkwardly slid under, Louis following right behind.

There was more shouts from behind them as Louis packed the dirt back down, closing the hole off the best he could, before he and Harry took off running again, Harry was slower this time.

Louis soon spotted a cave like structure, and pulled Harry over to it, pushing him inside.

He peaked behind them and surely enough, they weren’t being followed. He let out a sigh of relieve and smiled turning around to Harry.

“We did it love, we finally escaped! We’re free to love each other no-” Louis froze when he saw Harry.

His face was screwed up in pain, his eyes full of fear. On his side was a bullet hole, leaking red.

“Lou...” He choked out, before he started to fall. Louis shrieked and caught him, both boys on the ground. Louis cradled Harry to his chest, frantically ripping the bottom of his t-shirt off, and pressing it down on the wound.

Harry’s eyes began to leak tears, and Louis frantically kissed them away.

“You’re ok love, you’re ok.” He said in a shaky voice.

Harry gazed up at him tearfully, “It hurts...”

“Shh baby... Shh..” Louis kissed his forehead, feeling his own tears sting his eyes, seeing his baby in such pain. “I’m going to get you help.”

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