Chapter 47 - Doing what's right

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I felt uncomfortable but smiled weakly. "I did it because it was the right thing. I've been blind to what's been happening, and this was finally something I could control." I spoke slowly and chose every word carefully before grabbing the doorknob and executed my intention of opening the door to step outside.

I gathered the guns from the fallen dauntless soldiers nearby before holstering my own. I swung the strap of one of the larger guns over my shoulder when Tris stepped out of the building, followed by Marcus, Andrew, and her brother. I raised an eyebrow at the group before Tris turned to me. "Lead the way." She smiled and I handed a gun to her. She took it but passed it onto to her brother while I reached one to Marcus.

Tris grabbed another gun from the ground and tried giving it to her father, but he refused. "Come this way!" I called and jumped into a run. I sprinted down the ally, gaining fast on the others as I kept watch for any approaching dauntless. But none stepped into our path, and we reached the train tracks before long. Somehow, we had managed to find a station. The train would completely stop here.

I was the first to get on when the train stopped, then Tris and the abnegation men followed much slower. I resisted to urge to roll my eyes at Marcus's strained expression. He definitely didn't like this. I had found a comfortable position against the opposite side of the cart. Leaned against it with my arms crossed, I swayed to the gentle movements as the train gained speed. It wouldn't be long before we would reach dauntless.

The abnegation men did the same after a while but kept their distance. Marcus seemed to be one knowledgeable enough to handle a gun whereas Caleb kept the tip pointed upwards. His father pointed the tip away more than once. I rolled my eyes at the sight when the rooftops became familiar. When I pushed away from the wall, Tris had noted as well. "Get ready." She prepared them.

"What now?" Marcus asked as Andrew was the first to stand up and move towards us. I had already pushed the button that opened the door. It slid open with a loud hiss as the familiar rooftop emerged. I smirked and stepped back.

"You're not going to like it." Tris sighed and stepped back as well when I threw myself out the open door. Somehow, I managed to stumble and had to do a tuck and roll before getting back up onto my feet in one fluent motion. I was the quickest runner and didn't even look back when I clutched the gun to my chest and threw myself over the ledge on the other side of the building. I plummeted down into the darkness as the first.

When I landed in the net, I was once again swallowed and bounced back up a few times before quickly getting down. Tris dropped seconds after and I pulled the net down, so she had easier access to get off. "Thank you." She smiled when her feet touched the ground again. Marcus was the next person who jumped. I helped the man down when Caleb jumped. He screamed the entire way down and I flinched, that had to have alerted others of our presence.

Andrew released a small yelp as well, not as loud but still loud. "We have to move. That screaming must've alerted others." I groaned at Tris. She nodded and I turned away, taking leadership of the group again. They all followed me as I guided them down the familiar hallways. It was strange being back here. It didn't feel like we left the compound this morning. It already felt like a lifetime ago.

I swallowed my emotions when we reached the pit. There were a single guard. I had already raised my gun, but Tris placed a hand around the barrel and forced it down. "Wait here." She said and snuck around the guard. When he turned again, I noted it was another initiate. I raised an eyebrow as Tris snuck behind him, then kicked his gun out of his lose hold.

It skittered across the floor as he spun around to face Tris already aiming her gun at him. The boy's hand flew up in surrender and he covered, taking a few steps back. "Against the wall." Tris ordered. "Against the wall!" She repeated more forcefully when the boy didn't comply. "How are you awake?" She inquired and we all stepped out from out hiding.

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