Chapter 37 - Greeting the new initiates

Start from the beginning

The people walking there dispersed, opening a path for the dauntless as we sprinted towards the train tracks. I could easily hear the excited dauntless behind me, whooping, yelling, and laughing loudly as they followed me. I was a fast runner, and this was a short distance, so I could run even faster without worrying. There were only a few matching my speed. Two of which were older dauntless assigned to accompany us. One of them faintly familiar.

I slowed down when reaching the train tracks, elevated from the ground. The yellow pillars hadn't change at all. The two older dauntless that had matched my speed, looked to me. I nodded and they began to climb. I made sure the next arriving understood what we were doing before I climbed myself. Val had been among the next to arrive, his shoulders heaving as he definitely had been struggling to keep up.

He pushed a hand through his hair, getting it out of his eyes before instructing the newcomers to climb as well. I had only seen because I had hesitated below the platform, hanging in my arms before pulling myself up. I attained a position in the front, making sure that everyone got up onto the platform securely.

Val found me not long after, still breathing heavier than normal, but looked like he was having fun. "Take the front cart, I'll take the bottom. Mariah and Zephyr will take those in the middle." Val instructed just as the train turned the corner. I nodded before sprinting along the train tracks.

I aligned myself with the door before I grabbed the side, throwing a foot up onto a small piece of metal while hoisting myself up. I slammed my palm against the button to open the door. It hissed and opened, allowing me to get inside. A few transfers joined me in the front cart. But they were quiet, occasionally looking at me from the corner of their eyes.

I had moved to lean against the side of the train, one foot raised, resting against the side of the train. My arms were crossed, and head tilted forwards. I knew I didn't look as dauntless as others from my faction, but it was enough. Today I had gone with a formfitting t-shirt, showing off the tattoos on my forearms.

After a while I pushed away from the wall and moved to the still open door. I looked out, searching for the rooftop I knew we would jump out onto. I saw it rapidly approaching. "Get ready—" I announced, shortly looking at the transfers in the cart before out towards the rooftop again. "—we jump in five."

I ignored their mumbles and questions. When the rooftop was only a turn away, I moved back into the cart. I found the back of it again, and smirked at the initiates before dashing forwards, throwing myself out of the cart towards the rooftop. For the few seconds I was flying through the air, I felt weightless and free. When I landed, I stumbled but remained on my feet.

My attention shifted to Eric that was waiting on the edge of the rooftop. Like last year he's standing on top of the raised ledge, hands folded in front of him. He smile just for me when I run over but it vanished again when Valentine joined us. The two other dauntless, Zephyr and Mariah, also joined not long after. I turn around to witness the initiates now on the rooftop.

They're all spread around, some even still lying on the ground. I chuckled at the sight before leaning against the ledge Eric is standing on. Val does the same on the other side of him. "Alright, gather around." Eric disrupts the excited atmosphere between the initiates. They all turn towards us. I watch many unfamiliar faces approach, though a few of the dauntless born are a little familiar to me, I know none of their names.

When they're all gathered in front of us, Eric jumps down, knees bending softly when he hits the ground. "Listen up. I'm Eric, one of your leaders." He presented himself. Eric isn't the type who look extremely happy about this, he makes an effort to come across as cold and distanced because he isn't really happy that he has to oversee the training again this year, so most of the initiates doesn't even dare look at him.

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