Chapter 2

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The weekend is my favorite. It's my time to relax and unwind, what am I even talking it's everyone's time to relax and unwind.

I have this routine that I follow on weekends. It's more like a tradition that I have been following since I could remember. I always have breakfast at this little café that's close by, it's one of the special places where I spend almost half the day just reading my favorite books.

After getting dressed I head downstairs after grabbing a book.

I was stunned to see my Mom standing in the dining area.

"Good morning" she said once she noticed me standing.

"Good morning mom, I'm heading out for breakfast." I responded.

"Be a responsible girl, always going out and hanging out with worthless people. Stay and finish your breakfast here." She said.

She always thinks that I hang out with worthless people, just because they are not of our standards. But they are my only friends or friend.

"I have to go, see you later mom." I said and walked out.

I reach my small little haven faster than usual. I sat at the corner, my usual spot and started reading. Being a deaf has its advantages, like now while I read I enjoy the full advantage of silence. And disadvantages are relatively more being a deaf, like how the waiter has been trying to get my attention for so long.

Once I notice that someone is standing near I look up from my book.

"I have been calling you since forever! Are you deaf?" he asked and I have never seen him here before.

"I'm sorry I didn't notice you and to answer your question. Yes, I'm deaf. " I answered because I'm pretty sure he doesn't know sign language, and I can clearly​ make out the change in his expression from shocked to pity.

That's the last thing I expect from people is pity because they consider me different from others, even I'm a Human just like you.

"I'm really sorry Ma'am, I'm new here and it's little hectic and stressing. What can I do for you?" he apologized.

"Can I get two cappuccino." I smiled.

He noted down and left while I continue to read my book until he gets my order.

"Here's your cappuccino." He placed it on the table.

" Thank you, and by the way I didn't get your name?" I asked.

"My name is John.'

'oh, John if you don't mind why don't you take a break and have some cappuccino." I said and offered him a cup of cappuccino.

'Thank you, but I really shouldn't." He politely declined.

"Please take it as a friendly offer, something like a 'Good Luck' for your new job." I smiled.

"Thank you" he said and lifting the cup.

"I have work but thank you again." He said and walked away.

I smiled hoping that I made someone else day a little better, not much difference but I think kindness is great even if it's served little. I once read a quote. "Kindness is the language where the deaf can hear, the blind can read and the dumb can speak" how ironic. 

"You will never regret being Kind"


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