Chapter 7

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Hey guys! Back with another part for you all <3 Sorry if its short o.o I promise I don't mean to make the parts short, BUt To me, its a lot of writing within the short time span I have to write it. HOWEVER I want to tell you all, THANK YOU! Thank you so much for sticking with me even when I didnt update for like a month and a half... It means a lot ^-^ 

Another Note, If you think the story line is choppy and filled with holes, or you have questions, TELL ME! Because I have no plot or story line, I just write it as I go o.o And How do you expect me to answer your questions If you do not ask them? HMMMMM?! Anyways, I'll shut up now! Have fun reading ^-^



He came closer and closer, until he was so close, she could feel the wind being sucked from her lungs. The glint in his eyes told her he was close enough to where she could jump on. She tensed, fearful of falling and missing him. She counted to 3, and then jumped.


Leeva landed on something hard, She was afraid to open her eyes. 'Leeva it is fine. Open your eyes, you are safe little one.' Rthurd told her. She opened her eyes into tiny slits, and then they burst open with wonder and excitement. 'Rthurd, This is amazing! Oh I wish I could fly all day long!' She exclaimed. Rthurd let out a puff of smoke from his nose. 'Leeva, Hold on. When you start to glow with me, do not worry. But we must complete this bonding now!' Leeva nodded and held on tight. Rthurd then began to Fly up like before. He stopped when he could feel leeva having trouble breathing. He looked back at her, then folded his wings in, and rushed towards the ground.


I awoke to find myself all alone in a cave. I yawned and stretched, then proceeded to make my way over to the entrance. I poked my head out, and saw the whole clutch moving and getting ready for the cold months. I walked over to my daughter, Rfeld. "Rfeld, my dear, why are you not playing with your siblings?" I asked her. Rfeld looked up at me. "Mommy, They are very mean! I told them the future, and they called me limp-wing!" I growled at the name. "Rfeld, you are not a limp-wing. You are just taking longer time to fly than the others. Come, let me tell you a story." I picked her up by her small spikes on her neck, and carried her into the cave. I sat her down on a flat rock, and laid beside her. "Now Rfeld, I am going to tell you this story, but you must not tell anyone, and you must not interupt." Rfeld nodded and I smiled. I took a deep breath and began,

"Dragons, as the humans call us, were born from the great ashes of First Earth. At this time, the earth had been destroyed by volcanoes, and fire was everywhere. When the fire ceased, and the animals returned, we rose from the lava's ashes. We ruled the skies, and protected all. We helped the humans evolve into what they are today. And yet they show little respect. However, they would not be where they are today, if it weren't for your father Rkshash. He was born, and was bonded to a human. We do not know how these bonds work, however we do know that it happens, and it is rare." I took a deep breath.

"Now, this bond made Rkshash and his human able to communicate, with both humans, and our Kind. You know how the bond is made, You have seen your brother make the connection. But what you do not know is this: A bonded dragon cannot produce young, unless it's Rider's mate has been bonded to our kind as well." Rfeld looked up at me in shock.

"But Mommy, Does that mean you have a rider?" She asked me. I nodded my head.

"Yes dear. It is of the male, and he is the Human's King. Now let me continue." I thought for a moment, cleaning my claws as I did.

"Ah yes, So Back to this whole bonding thing. The Mother of our Kind tells the mother of the egg, if it is to be bonded or not. If not, He will be raised just like you were. If so, then the egg will not hatch until the rider has found their way to it. Now that we have gotten the egg information down, let us move on to as he grows." I cleared my throat, and relit the dying fire. 

"Now, for him to be able to hatch, he has to hear the Rider's voice. It doesn't matter what the rider says, but when the egg hears it, he will hatch. That firs week of the hatchling's life is the most important. That is when he will grow and be strong. After that first week, he will grow with his next flight. He will start to glow, and that is when the rider will go on their first ride. When the Dragon flys up, and then falls, The rider Must trust themselves and their dragon. They must jump onto the dragons back midflight, and the dragon must not land. If he does, the bond is severed, and the Dragon will die. If the rider successfully manages to hop on the dragon's back, they will both fly high into the sky, and free fall to the ground. Again this is about trust. Without this trust, they will never survive long. After they free fall, the dragon is free to land. The bond has been completed. If one dies, the other will die. No exceptions." I sighed, thrown back to the memory of Rkshash. I heard Rfeld asking questions, but I ignored her. 

"Anyways, Rfeld, after the bond is sealed, the dragon will procude an egg. Yes a Male will too. The egg is the dragon that will be his mate. The rider must give it to one that they cherish and trust, and they must complete the bond as well. However, because of our need to survive, if the dragon that comes from the egg dies from not breaking the bond, or something or other, the original Dragon and Rider pair are free to chose another pair. It's oh so complicated, but you need to know this, and remember it. It is in our blood to have Riders, and you must tell all of your children, and their children. A rider will come soon, you know this Rfeld. Now, I must rest. Goodnight Rfeld, May you forever fly peacefully." I licked the top of her head where her horns were growing in. I curled up into a ball and slept.


Leeva woke up next to Rthurd. 'I just had the craziest dream.' She told him. Shook his head to wake up, his eyes droopy. 'Yes, I as well. I think I shared my mother's memories with you while you slept. Perhaps this is a plus of the bond, so we can both learn as we sleep.' He yawned and stood up, his tail flickering at the tip. Leeva stretched and walked to the cave entrance. She looked at the moon, judging the time. "Its very early Rthurd." She pronounced. Rthurd  didn't answer her, so she turned around and saw him holding an egg.  "Rthurd?" She asked. He looked up at her. 'Leeva, this egg, this egg is my mate. She will have my children. We must have her hatch, and soon.' He said. Leeva heard the love and care in his voice, and nodded. "Of course. But, I think we need to go visit the elderl'y King. It appears he has some information for us, does he not?" She asked him. Rthurd nodded and looked back down at the egg. Leeva looked with him. The future of Human-kind and of Dragons lies within that egg, she thought.


Soooo? How do you guys like it? :D

I thought I would try something a little different, so here you go! :D

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