Chapter 6

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Hey All! Heres another update for you Lovely people! <3


The next morning Leeva woke to find Rthurd picking up a deer and carefully putting it next to the entrance of the cave. When he noticed that Leeva had awoken, he walked over to her. 'Good morning Leeva.' He spoke happily. "Good morning Rthurd, Might I ask what you are doing?" Rthurd looked over at the pile of meat, then back to Leeva. 'I am providing you with food to bring home. You will need it, will you not?' He asked. Leeva looked down and sighed. "Rthurd, You need not to do that. I could have gotten some on my way there." Rthurd sent her feelings of sadness and hunger. 'Leeva, you should'nt have to go through that, no matter what.' She sighed. "I suppose you are right Rthurd. Anyways, I must be off. I will come back as soon as I can. I am only half a days walk away." She smiled at him. "Thank you Rthurd, And Remember, I will hear you always." Rthurd placed his large head on her hand. 'Fly safe and hunt many.' Leeva smiled, kissed him on his nose, then picked up the deer and began the long treck home.

"Leeva! I was worried Sick!" Leeva has Just gotten home when her mother had bursted out the door, followed by Uther. Lucky for Leeva, Rthurd had brought most of the food for Leeva, then left before the village came into view. "Mother I am fine. I just had a hard time bringing all this back." She gestured to the two deer and many rabbits she was dragging along behind her.  Her mother hugged her tightly. She placed her hands on Leeva's shoulders. "Leeva, I have a surprise for you dear." She glanced over at Uther, and Gestured for him to come over towards them. "Dear, Uther isn't going to be in the kings army. He Infact, came all this way just to talk to you. So hand me all that meat, and I'll start dinner." She smiled and kissed Leeva's cheek. Leeva looked over at Uther. "Uther? Is there something the matter? I know how excited you were to join the King's Army." She asked him. Uther looked at Leeva, his eyes searching her face. "Leeva, I Um," He sighed. "Leeva There is a reason I stayed here. There is someone here I think I'm in love with, But I don't know if she feels the same way towards me. I want to treat her like she should be treated. With love and respect. But I don't want to tell her and have her run away from me. Help me Leeva." Leeva smiled and hugged Uther. "I am glad you are not going, but you must tell me who this woman is! She must be beautiful to have caught your eye!" Uther Hugged her back and laughed. "Leeva," He paused. She looked at him thinking he meant her, she was estatic. "Leeva, Its Gwen. I, I think I love her." Leeva's face fell. She released Uther and looked down. "Oh, well, I know she has had her eye on you for a while. She is very beautiful. Go after her Uther." She smiled and hugged him once more. "I uh, I have to go." She said before running off into the woods. She opened hew link with Rthurd. 'Rthurd, I'm coming home.' She could feel his excitement as it coursed through her. 'Leeva are you alright? You feel, hurt. What did that human do to you? I will burn his hair off and rip off his head!' Leeva chuckled, bouncing through the undergrowth. She had already memorized the path she needed to take to return to Rthurd. 'I am fine. Nothing that cannot heal. Now tell me, How long before You are fully grown?' She asked him. She had lost track of the days as she traveled. She hopped over a fallen log, and was in sight of the cave as she ran towards it, her speed increasing past human skills.  She watched as Rthurd poked his head out of the entrance to the cave. 'Within the next day or so. Now tell me little one, why did you not stay home?' He asked her. She sighed as she finally crawled into the cave and laid down beside him. She took a deep breath. "Well, I got there, and Uther was there waiting for me. He told me he found a woman to love and that he wasn't going into the King's army. That woman was Not me." She looked down as a tear fell. Rthurd lowered his head and placed it on her lap. 'Little one, Heartbreak is hard, yes, but you will move on. I promise. Now, Let us eat, We will need to store some energy up for the aging process. It can be very hard on a human.' Leeva nodded and began to make a fire to cook the meat on. She hummed as she skinned the rabbit Rthurd had gotten for her. She occasionally took breaks to stoke the fire back to life. Rthurd yawned, stretching out like a cat. Leeva looked over at him. "Rthurd?" She asked. He looked over at her, his eyes unblinking. "Rthurd, what was it like, being in an egg? Do you remember it?" She asked him. He made a strange sound. Leeva then realised he was chuckling. 'Yes Little one. It was warm and Dark. Wet, and yet dry. It was very cramped, and I heard all the outside sounds. The voices however, were muted, I could not make out what was being said, or to whom. But there was this sound, a beautiful sound. It made me want to get out of there.' He closed his eyes while remembering. 'So, hearing it again, I broke free.' Leeva thought for a moment. "Then what was that sound?" She asked, curious. He made that chuckling sound again. 'It was your laugh.' He stated. Shocked, Leeva looked up at him and smiled. "Really? Thats so strange!" She exclaimed. He chuckled again, Leeva broke out laughing. "Your chuckle sounds like a dying animal in a bucket of water!" Rthurd grunted at flicked her on the head with the tip of his tail. 'Leeva! That wasn't nice to say! Now I shall never chuckle again.' He pouted. Leeva smiled and yawned. "I am sorry Rthurd. But I must go to sleep. I cannot stay awake any longer. Goodnight Rthurd." She yawned once more, and curled up next to him. He smiled and put out the remains of the fire. He lowered his head, and began to fall into a peaceful sleep.


Leeva awoke to a loud rumble. She opened her eyes to see Rthurd glowing. "RTHURD! Wake up!" She went to go shake him, but was burnt by the glowing light. "Rthurd! Please wake up!" She cried. He opened his eyes at her call, and then roared. 'Get outside, NOW!' He shouted in her head. She nodded and ran outside. She watched as Rthurd ran out of the cave, and jumped into the air, unfurling his wings as he did so. 'Leeva. It's time. When I come back down you need to jump onto my back. I Cannot land. If I do then we will no longer be bonded!' Leeva swallowed. 'Got it.'She watched as he flew into the air, his red wings beating the air. He rose higher and higher until she could no longer see him. She heared him roar, the sound rattled her bones. It was deep, and powerful. She watched in awe as he started to come closer, back into her view. He had pulled his wings in tight to him and was shooting through the air like an arrow. He came closer and closer, until he was so close, she could feel the wind being sucked from her lungs. The glint in his eyes told her he was close enough to where she could jump on. She tensed, fearful of falling and missing him. She counted to 3, and then jumped.

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