Chapter 2

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Hey guys, I'm writing this on my Ipad, so it may not come out to be the best... Sorry about that!

Chapter 2:

I saw the female before she saw me. What kind of creature is stupid enough to wander into a field in the middle of the night? I sighed, but knew, that if I couldn't hide my egg, that there would be no hope for my child to survive.

I began my decent towards the female, my wings slowing me down so I didn't land on top of her. She paused and became ridged. I knew that she had sensed me.

Before she could run, I landed in front of her, and bowed my head, showing a sign of obedience and, hopefully, this female understands that I do not intend to harm her.

'Relax young one. I did not come here to harm you. I only ask of you, a single favor.' I sent my thoughts to her mind, I was afraid that she didn't hear me, until her face showed fear, and yet understanding, I sighed.

'I sense that you are still Pure. I believe you are the one in the prophecy. Tell me young one, what is your name?' I asked the female.

Her voice came in stutters while her fire hair was blowing in the breeze.

"M-my n-name is Leeva. D-do y-you have a-a name?"

'Yes child, my name is Rfeld. Now, I need to ask you a favor Leeva. I am being hunted, but I cannot fly far. I have an egg, the last of my clutch, but I cannot bring it with me. Leeva, if you so accept, I Rfeld, cast the egg into your care. You are to take care of it, and raise it to be the best Dragon it can possibly be. Do you accept?'

At this time, I had brought my last egg into the center of us. I looked back up at the female, and saw her gaze on the egg, admiring it as if it were a diamond. Unknown to her, it was one of the last eggs any Dragon had created in several years.

The female looked up at me then, her gaze filled in determination.

"I Leeva, accept the responsibility of taking care of this egg."

I smiled and blew a blue flame around the egg, and then on her wrist. She winced in pain, but stood firm. I nodded at her, and looked at her wrist. It now bore the mark of the dragons.

'Thank you Leeva. When you wake up, you will be a short walk from your village'

She nodded then slid to the ground, her violet eyes drooping, then finally closing. I picked the female up, along with my egg, and started walking in the direction she was heading.

There was only one village in the area. And it was home to the brutal humans that killed my mate, and all but one of my eggs. I turned my head to look at the girl, she seemed so peaceful, so Pure. She had yet to have the blood of a human, or a dragon on her hands.

She was the one who was going to bring Humans and Dragons together in peace.


Leeva is pronounced Leave-ah

Rfeld is pronounced Rr-field

If you get confused, don't worry! Rfeld's past is going to come up a lot, and that will explain EVERYTHING! :p

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