Chapter Thirty-Five

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She watches him from the mirror that her master gave to her. She watches every move that he makes and seeing him smile makes her sick. But then she knew to herself that the happiness that he's having right now won't last long.

**Luke giggles. "Sorry."**

She smirks until the door opens and the magical mirror turned into an ordinary mirror already.

"Lana, you've been spending most of your time again in front of that mirror." Haley, her nurse on duty said.

"Sorry." Lana said.

"It's alright." She said while taking her clipboard and pen out. "So... Had any flashbacks yet?"

She shook her head. "Lana, you need to remember so you can get out of here immediately." Haley said.

"Look, I'm trying to remember things all about my past but I can't!" She said and then she bowed her head down. "And besides, even if I get out of here, I don't know where would I go."

"I don't even know if my parents are still alive." She mumbled.

"Aw honey..."

"Can you just leave me for now?"

"Sure. But remember to press the buzzer when you need me, alright?"

Lana nodded and then Haley already went out of her room. She sighed and then leaned back on her bed.

"What are you doing? You're supposed to be watching over him." A big man's voice filled the room.

"How can I watch over him if I'm locked up in this stupid hospital, Alcazar?" Lana said.

"That's why I gave you that mirror." Alcazar said. "To watch over him."

Lana bowed her head down and then Alcazar sat beside her, "Do you want to regain your memories?" He asked.

"Of course I do!" She replied.

"Then help me with this and I'll help you with your problem. Now, is the plan working?"

"Yeah. I've planted the rock in his body already."

Alcazar smirked and patted her head, "Good girl Lana. Good girl." He said and Lana just continued to concentrate onto the mirror and Luke's face appeared on it.

Time for a revenge, Adas. He thought.


Jayden, Julian, and William already came home from the hospital and Luke ran up to Jayden and William and the two guys were both surprised.

"I'm sorry if I swore at you Uncle Will... I'm sorry if I got angry at you and Uncle Jayden." Luke said.

Jayden crouched down to meet his eye level, "No, we should be the one apologizing to you because we never accepted who you really are." He said.

"We're very sorry Luke." William said. Luke just gave them a grin.

"I sense a group hug here." Julian said and so they all ended up doing a group hug.

"Now, you guys eat lunch and I'll call Trent." Zach said.

"Where is he?" Julian asked.

"At Rebecca's place." He answered.


Trent opened his eyes and found the girl of his dreams lying beside him, her smooth skin showing from under the covers. He brushed his fingers on her arm for he thought that he was dreaming but when he felt her pure smooth skin on his fingers, he knew that he wasn't.

Rebecca felt something brushing on her arm and she opened her eyes and saw him smiling at her. "Hey." He greeted her.

A smile formed on her lips, "Hey babe." She replied.

"That was fun." Trent said as he pulled her to him, feeling the warmth of her body. She giggled and slapped his chest playfully.

"Aw c'mon! Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it?" He said.

"I didn't." She replied while smiling playfully.

"Wanna do it again?" he asked while wriggling his eyebrows and then he bit his lip and got on top of her.

"Trent, no..." Rebecca said, letting out a little laugh.

"Come on... I wanna make you happy." He said and then started kissing her and her neck. Rebecca resulted into a moan. His lips left her neck and went back onto her mouth and slipped his tongue inside her mouth as his hands made its way to her hips then legs.

"I love you Rebecca." He said and then started thrusting her.

"I love you too Trent." She replied, pressing him closer to her.

Just then, his phone rang.

"Trent, your phone's ringing." Rebecca said.

"I know. Wait a sec. It's coming." Trent whispered.

"Trent, goddamn it! Just answer the phone! I'm distracted!" She said. He sighed and then pulled away from her and reached for his phone and answered it.

"What? You just disturbed me, you know." He said.

"Uh... I'll take that as a hello." Zach said.

"Why did you call? I was just about to score here!"

"I just call to remind you that we have a rehearsal for today and it's already 1 p.m. The rehearsal's in 30 minutes."

"Alright. Bye." He said immediately and then hung up. He stood up and put on his clothes in a hurry. "I've got a rehearsal, sorry."

"It's alright." She said with a smile. Trent bent over and then kissed her on the lips. "I'll see you sometime." He said.

"Yep. See ya." She said.

He quickly went out of her apartment and then hopped into his car and drove back to their house.


"Luke, carry these things for me mate." Jayden said as he gave him his bags, and his guitar which is in its own hard case.

And as soon as Luke received his things on his arms, he felt their heaviness which he normally does not feel. He lost his balance and fell down on the floor, the bags on top of him.

"Whoa! Luke! Are you alright?!" Jayden asked worriedly as he removed the bags on top of him. Luke sat up on the floor and Jayden kneeled down beside him.

"What happened?" he asked.

"I... I just fell weak... I don't know..." Luke said in shock.


A smirk formed on Alcazar's and Lana's lips as they saw what happened to Luke on the mirror.

"The rock has started to have its effects on him." Lana said.

"Just keep on watching him. On the third sunset, he would be a complete human already and you are free to kill him, Lana." Alcazar said and then they both laughed evilly.


Oh no! Alcazar is back again!

Who is Lana?

Can Luke and The Collective find out why did he suddenly felt weak?

What is that rock that Lana planted inside Luke's body?

Will Alcazar finally be able to kill Luke?

So many questions... STAY TUNED TO FIND OUT!


2. Five Men and a Baby (Trent)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن