Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"I'm already infected." Julian sobbed. The other guys stood there, dumbfounded.

"W-Wait... How come?!" Jayden asked.

"I don't know..." He cried then he shot his head up, "I don't wanna do the tour first. I just wanna go home now."

"Alright. We'll talk to Dara about that." Zach said.

"And besides, I don't wanna hurt anyone with my condition..." Julian added. Just then, Trent had already put the pieces up together. "Don't tell me that you broke up with Emmarie because of this?" He said and Julian looked at him and nodded.


"I DON'T WANNA SCARE HER! I DON'T WANT HER TO LIVE IN FEAR! I JUST WANT HER TO BE SAFE AND HAPPY, THAT'S WHY I DIDN'T TELL HER!" Julian shot back. "I already know from the start that there is something wrong with me! And I just have this bad feeling in me that there would be a high chance of me hurting her because of my condition!"

And then Trent sighed heavily, "C'mon..." He said as he pulled Julian out of the bathroom and let him sit down on the foot of his bed. "YOU NEED TO TELL EMMARIE ABOUT THIS!"

"No I can't Trent! It's too hard! And do you think she would still listen to me after I've broken her heart and trust?!" Julian said and Trent fell silent. "NO!"

"Jesus Julian!!! Man up!!! You're already eighteen! You're fighting for your love and your life right here!"

"I can't Trent!!! I'm as weak as a baby! I can't do anything! Please... Let's just go back home! I can't do the tour in this condition of mine..."


Then Zach put a hand over his shoulder. It was their first time to see Trent so red in anger and fear.

"Let's just respect his decision, Trent. If he doesn't want to tell Emmarie, then let it be that way." Zach said. Trent sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, "Fine, don't tell her. But don't blame us if one day you'll see her with another man." He said.

Then Zach sat beside Julian, "Jules, care to tell us why is your shirt stained with blood? Also, the corner of your mouth..." Zach said.

Julian closed his eyes, "I don't really remember all of it." He said.

"You don't remember ALL of it but you remember SOME of it."

He bowed down, but Trent lifted his chin up as he crouched down in front of him, "Please Julian, you have to tell us what happened." He said then Julian looked at the concerned faces of Zach, Jayden and William.

"I have this strong headache again and then my eye colour changed... It turned from blue to green. Then I saw that I grew fangs. The next thing I knew was that I was thirsty and I was craving for fresh blood." Julian said. "And the worst part of it is that I tried to kill one of my band mates... I tried to bite Jayden's neck just to quench my thirst for blood but I told myself 'No. I can't. I won't do it. Jayden is my bandmate, brother and my bestfriend.' That's why I went out through the window then as I was walking out on the road, I saw this girl around fifteen years of age and then I don't know what happened next."

"I probably killed her." He added, burying his face in his hands, bursting into tears.

"Oh Jules..." Jayden said and then they all wrapped their arms around him and hugged him tight.

"Julian, take your shirt off." William said suddenly out of nowhere.

"What?" Julian asked.

"Just take it off."

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