Chapter Five

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Jayden and Julian already woke up but they still feel quite a bit sore from the punches that Tim gave them a while ago and Zach, William, Trent and Luke were all glad that they were alright.

"Damn. I don't know why Tim did this to us." Jayden said as he sat up on his bed, wincing because of his bruises.

"Uh guys, you know that the whole building was burned down together with Tim, right?" William said.

"What?!" Julian and Jayden said in shock.

"Yes. Apparently, Tim was the one who started the fire but the thing that makes me curious was that the fire... It all started in our room before going to the other rooms but then it didn't consume any of us, just Tim." Zach said.

Luke stared at Trent uneasily as if to say 'change-the-topic-Trent' and he immediately got what he meant so he turned to the guys and said, "Anyway, let's just be thankful that we are all safe. Luke helped us and we should be content with that instead of being curious why Tim was the only one who got burned by the fire in that room and not us as well."

"Trent's right." Julian said. "However, why would he do that to us?"

Trent shrugged his shoulders, "He's probably on drugs or something." He said casually. "Are you guys hungry?" And they all nodded. "Wait here. Luke and I will grab you some food."

"I don't want the hospital food." Jayden demanded.

"Alright. Got it." Trent said.

"What about I just be the one to grab our food while you guys wait here and chill? I'm sure the media are there outside, wanting all of your answers to their questions." Luke said. "You guys don't want to be mobbed, right?"

"You're one smart little boy." Trent said as he gave him the money then Luke motioned for him to lean over and he did. "And besides, you won't be able to keep up with my super speed, aye?" Luke whispered cheekily as he and Trent burst into little laughs. Trent punched him on the shoulder and then his face grew red because of the pain. "Wow. That hurt." Luke said sarcastically and laughed then went out of the room. When he got out, he made sure no one was looking and then he ran off using his super speed.


Trent found the other guys staring at him. "What?" he asked.

"Nothing." Jayden said.

"No. Tell me. What is it?" he asked again.

"We just find you a bit weird." Jayden replied and he turned to other guys who nodded in agreement.

"Me? Weird? Why?" Trent asked again.

"Ever since Luke came into our lives, you became a little bit more responsible. You became a little bit more concerned about the people around you." Julian said and Trent just continued to stare at them.

William laughed, "Yeah. Normally, you would just be out there... Rehearse with us, not caring about a kid." He said. "Do CollecTV with us without worrying about a little kid who's studying at Sydney Grammar School."

"You know that you can just send him to an orphanage knowing that you are busy with your schedule but you didn't." Zach added.

"There's just something about Luke that makes me feel warm and fuzzy. I kinda feel like I have a family in him." Trent said thoughtfully.

"Whoa! Whoa! Hold the fuck up. When did you ever learn to talk deep like me?" William said, holding out his hands in front of him.

"Oh... I just live by the quotes you read to us everyday and use them as my tool." He replied and they all laughed.

"Luke is a good influence on you Trent. We can all see that." Zach said.

"But what will you do if Celine comes back and takes Luke with her?" Julian said then Jayden, William, and Zach all whacked his head. "You really just know how to ruin a moment, aye?!" William growled at him.

"I was just stating facts! Jesus! Why are guys so violent towards me?!" Julian sulked like a little kid.

Trent's face became a little bit lonely, "Well, I would give Luke back to her." He said and they turned to him. "I mean, I really don't have the right towards him. I'm not even his true uncle." Then the other guys just gave him a lopsided grin.

"But you took care of him." William said then Jayden clicked his fingers, "Damn it Will! I was gonna say that!" he said.

"But do you think that Luke would agree that you give him back to Celine?" Julian said.

"What kind of a question is that, Jules?" Jayden said and he turned to him. "What do you mean?" Julian asked.

"Julian, there are three types of questions. There is a sensible question, a sarcastic question and a stupid one." He replied. "And now, what you just asked Trent was just a stupid question. Of course! Luke would agree to be with his mother since he grew up along with her care!"

"Food!!!" Luke declared as soon as he went in. They started to eat the food that Luke had bought. "Trent, can we talk outside?" he asked and Trent agreed.

"What is it?" Trent asked.

"I heard what you guys are talking about a while ago." Luke said and Trent stared at him, meaning his cue to continue. "Trent, please don't give me into an orphanage or some sort of an institution..."

"Damn. You were listening that long?"

"I got back here when you guys are talking about you being weird because of me and all that sorts of stuff. Thanks to my super speed. But Trent, I'm serious. Don't send me to an orphanage or an institution. I would be happy if you just give me to my mother or..."

"Or what?"

"Or I would be happier if you just let me stay with you. You are my uncle/dad/brother/best friend/idol in my life..."

They smiled at each other and then Trent gave him that father-and-son hug. "I wish you were my dad." Luke said.

"I wish I have a son like you too." Trent responded as he patted his head then hugged him again.

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