Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Julian!" Zach, William, Trent, and Jayden all said as they tried to wake Julian up. They were worried about him. Well, who wouldn't worry about their bandmate if they found him or her on the doorstep, half-naked.

"Julian!!! Wake the hell up!" William said.

Zach, being the prankster in the group, he walked off to the toilet to fetch some bucket and then he filled it up with the freezing cold water. He came back with a full bucket of water.

"Wait, you're not thinking of pouring that over him, right?" William said.

Zach just smirked and then he poured the freezing cold water over Julian and miraculously, he woke up from his deep slumber.

"Morning sleeping beauty!" Zach said, chucking the bucket away.

"Yo mate! What happened to you? Why did we find you out there, lying in the ground? And most of all... WHY ARE YOU SHIRTLESS?" Jayden asked then he sniffed him and then crinkled his nose. "And you smell like... Shit?"

"Look, we'll just talk about this later, okay? We have some other things to do." Trent said. "Jules, go take a shower and then get change. Then pack your stuff up."

"Why?" Julian asked.

"Have you forgotten? We have a show at Cairns, remember? And then we're heading to Perth." He said.

"Oh yeah... Okay. Just wait for me. I'll be quick." He said and then went into his room to prepare himself.

"I hate it when you guys have your tour while I'm at school!" Luke pouted. "I wish it's school holidays!"

"You'll get to tour with us some other time." Trent assured him as he ruffled his hair.

"Julian, hurry up!!!" Jayden nagged.

"Alright! Alright! I'm coming! I'm coming! Calm your tits Jaydo!" Julian said as he came out of his room and slung his back pack over his shoulder.


Along the way, they talked about their setup just to get their mind off of what happened a while ago. "So I'm gonna stay at your parents house, Uncle Will?" Luke asked.

"Yes. Don't worry; either mom or Chloe would pick you up." William said while they were in their black limousine.

"For how long?" he asked.

"Until we come back. So you better behave yourself there Luke." Trent said.

"This really sucks Trent. Why can't I just come with you all? I mean, I can do all my school stuff after I get back with you guys from your tour."

"Your education is more important. If you won't try your hardest at school then you won't be able to get high grades... You won't be able to go into uni. And I don't want you to be just taking vocational courses out there. You're smart and you deserve the best."

"Wow, you sound like you're his father." Zach said.

"Well, I am now." Trent shot back.

"Trent, stop pressuring the kid. We all know that Luke is a smart kid. He's got good grades at school so you don't have anything to worry about." William said.

"Yeah Trent. Loosen up on him a little bit, am I right Luke?" Jayden said and Luke smiled cheekily as he nodded and he ruffled his hair. Meanwhile, Trent noticed that Julian grew more quiet than ever.

He pulled out his phone and then texted Julian:

"Care to tell me what happened to you?" --T.

"How am I supposed to tell u if I don't know it myself?" --J.

2. Five Men and a Baby (Trent)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن