Chapter Twelve

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Days went faster and Trent was feeling nervous and excited at the same time. He had never felt like this on a girl before and he had never really paid any attention to girls, just himself. "Uncle Trent! Uncle Trent!!! Wake up! Wake up!" Luke said in a high-pitched voice. "Uncle Trent!!!" Then he jumped up and down on the bed as Trent grumbled and covered his face with a pillow.

"Uncle Trent, wake up! You have a date with Chantelle today, right?" He said to him and then he pulled the covers away from him and hit him with another pillow. "WAKE UP!!!" Trent sat up hastily on the bed, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?!" He said angrily.

"GOOD MORNING UNCLE TRENT!!!" Luke said cheerfully as he flinged up his arms up in the air.

"What's good in my morning when you have just interrupted my sleep?" Trent said.

"Uh... I don't know. BUT, I just thought that you might be forgetting something today." He said and Trent just stared at him in return. "You've got a date with Chantelle, remember?"

"It's still later in the afternoon! One p.m. as we have agreed upon, now, let me sleep."

Luke rolled his eyes and sighed as he dragged Trent out of his bed. For a young boy like him, he's pretty strong to drag a person out of the bed especially if it's as big as the twenty three year-old, Trent Bell. "Luke! Let go of me!" Trent said and Luke let him go. Trent stood up, "Damn you boy! Stop being like Superman!" He exclaimed as he crushed him to his body and gave him a bear hug.

"Uncle Will made our brekky." Luke informed him when they went out of his room and then to the dinning area.

"Morning Trent. Morning Luke." William greeted as he placed a big plate of pancakes on the table and Zach, Julian and Jayden started to get one for themselves. He sat down across Trent while Luke sat in between Jayden and Trent.

"So today is your date with Chantelle, right?" Julian said, breaking the comfortable silence within them that were only just filled with the clanking of their utensils.

"Yeah. It's still in the afternoon." Trent said.

"Trent, remember what I told you. Bring a condom and everything will be alright." William said and Trent shot his head up, "Aw shit man! Not this early! Too early for that. And besides, it's not like we're gonna bang each other after our date." He said as he facepalmed himself.

"Trent, I was just stating possibilities." William defended.

"It's NOT possible that we're gonna bang each other after this first date, okay?!"

"Okay but may I ask why are you so red right now?"

"Who wouldn't be embarrassed by that, aye?! Will, you're talking about sex right here!"

"What's to be ashamed about sex? We do that to reproduce, don't we?"

"Just... Just shut up Will. Too early for 'green' things."

"C'mon Trent! It's never too early for things like this for a guy like you." Zach chimed in.

"Be open-minded, Trent." Jayden said as he raised his left eyebrow while smiling cheekily.

"I am being open-minded, okay?" Trent said and the other just laughed at him then he turned to Luke, "Hey, you're going back to school this upcoming Monday. Are you excited?"

"Well, if Alexander and his mates are not there then yeah." Luke answered as he got an omelet from another big plate and put it on his plate and started to dig in once again. "I really want to go to school. I know I've got so much to learn but it's just that I feel like I don't belong."

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