Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The hot laser from Luke's eyes hit Julian's back and while the heat was consuming Julian's back, his eye colour was returning back to normal. Blue. His fangs already vanished and then he and Emmarie both collapsed on the ground.

"JULIAN! EMMARIE!!!" They all shouted.


Trent watched wearily as his bandmate Julian wept over Emmarie's side. Suddenly, he felt a hand over his shoulder and when he looked over, it was Rebecca. "He's gonna be alright." She said and he tried to smiled then they both walked away from the door, his hands around her waist.

"Julian's a fighter. I know he can make it." Trent said.

"Both of them are, that's why they are perfect for each other." She said then she stopped walking with him and he looked at her, confused.

"What's wrong Rebecca?" he asked.

"Trent, aren't you scared of me?" she asked. "I mean, I'm a meteor freak and there's a high possibility that I could hurt you or worse... Kill you."

"Rebecca, don't say that. And of course not. I'm not afraid of you. So what if you're a meteor freak?" He said. "To me, you are still that beautiful, kind and helpful girl. I love you just the way you are." Then he lifted her chin up and smiled at her before kissing her on the lips. "And besides, I know that you'll just use your powers for good. I completely trust you Bec."

She smiled then she leaned in and continued to kiss him. Their lips move in sync as the electrifying feeling went up and down their spine.

"And since when did the hallway of the hospital become a hotel?" William questioned and Trent and Rebecca pulled away from each other while giggling.

"Piss off Will! Go to your girlfriend and make out with her." Trent told him.

"I was saving that for tonight, you douche!"

"Whatever Will! Just leave us alone." He said.

"Alright. Alright. I'll let you two have your 'Tebecca' moment here." Then William walked off. Trent turned his attention to Rebecca and stared deep into her blue eyes.

"You..." He started as he brushed off the hair from his face. "...will always be the only girl for me." Then he kissed her forehead and then locked her in his big strong arms. "And when all of these are over, we're gonna be together with nothing to be afraid of." Then they kissed again.


"Emmarie..." Julian sobbed by Emmarie's side while praying to himself that she's still alive.

"I didn't know that you're a crybaby, Julian." Emmarie said and Julian wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek. "Thank god, you're alive!" He said in relief. "I thought I was going to lose you..."

"Me too... I thought I was gonna lose you too." She said as tears started to come out of her eyes. "Is that why you broke up with me?"

"Emmarie, I didn't want to scare you. I don't want you to live in fear just because of my condition. And... There are chances that I could hurt you which I've been trying to prevent myself but I still managed to hurt you and I would never ever forgive myself for that."

"Julian, it's alright... You were infected. And you know what? I'm just thankful that you're right here with me, safe and sound.

"I love you Emmarie."

"I love you too Julian."

Then Julian smashed his lips on hers and right at that very moment, they only both wanted one thing and that is to never let this moment end right away.

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