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Hi guys, I know it seems like all my latest updates have been about what has been happening but I just felt the need to write this. I understand that I don't have much of a platform here but it still needs to be heard. So run the past week or so 3 separate shootings happened. The first one was Alton sterling who was sealing CDs outside of a store. He was shot 6 times for no apparent reason and the store owner said he wasn't causing any problems. The next one was the shooting of philando Castile I don't thing I spelled his name right sorry. This one just made me the most upset out of the two I have mentioned so far. There is so many protocols that were not followed there for he sadly lost his life. Despite being pulled over for a broken tail light and alerting the officer about the gun in the car he was still shot 4 times. And here's where the protocol comes into play. As a police officer if someone is shooting at you and pointing the gun at you and it is a last minute resort then you do not fire. However if you have to you are supposed to get the weapon off of the suspect and then call an ambulance and check to make sure that they are still breathing. Then you have to try and stop the bleeding. The officer did none of that. Oh and he did it all while the girlfriend and their 4 year old daughter were still in the car. He was never sent to get help and later on died. They arrested the girlfriend took down her live Facebook video and took the daughter too. No one should have to witness that especially not someone that young. And the last thing I want to discuss is the Dallas shooting. Nothing can or ever will be able to justify this. Those officers didn't have to loose their lives in such a horrible way. Sorry I just had to get that off my chest it had been bothering me for a few days. I will update soon and please don't leave any hate comments about this. Thank you.

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