11. Coming Home Pt.3

Start from the beginning

"These are clothes." I answered pouting.

"Change NOW Liyah, my boys are going to be there and they're looking for fresh young meat and if you wear that, they'll get what they came for," he said frustrated.

"Okay, damn." I said closing my door.

That's why I hate that I'm the only girl, besides my mom.

20 minutes later I found the perfect outfit.

"Alright I'm dressed." I said walking downstairs.

"Much better." Said Will as I flicked him off.

"Alright lets roll out." DeVante said.

"Why are we leaving so early?" I questioned.

"We gotta' help them get some things set up." Will said.

"I did not get dolled up, just to help set up for a party."

"Well Miss. Liyah, when we get there, how about you sit down and look pretty like you always do." Will said.

"I won't have a problem with that." I said as I grabbed my jacket and told my parents we were leaving.

Wayans House On The Lake.

"You know it wouldn't hurt you to help us out a little." DeVante said walking in struggling with a 10 pound bag of ice.

"You guys said I could sit here and be pretty so thats what I'm going to do."

"Selfish ass!" DeVante said through gritted teeth.

"And I'll be that!" I answered back.

"I know that ain't who I think it is." I heard from behind me.

As I turn around I see Marlon standing there in shock.

"C'mon Marlon it hasn't been that long." I said as I embrace him into a hug.

"Yes it has because a year ago you didn't have all that junk in your trunk, what you been eating." He said trying touch my behind as I swat his hand away.

"You can't touch this." I said doing my best impersonation of MC Hammer.

"Just playing little sis, now lets sit down and talk before the party starts." He said making his way to the bench I was sitting on earlier.

"Okay," I said as I sat beside him.

"So how is it living in Houston?" He questioned looking at the view of the lake.

"You know it's been kind of hectic, but besides that it's been pretty good." I said as I fiddled with my finger.

"How have you and Shawn been?" I questioned.

"We've been good, you know me and Shawn gotta' show coming out soon." He said.

"Really that's great." I said hugging him once again.

"Alright, now lets get to the house, the party's about to start."

Party Time

This is the main reason why I HATE parties. Everytime I go to a party I get stuck being the designated driver.

"Will, maybe you should settle on drinking a bottle of water." I said as I watch him drink his 12th shot of the night.

"Lisa, honey, don't worry 'bout me, I got this." He said pushing me away.

"It's Aaliyah asshole." I said making my way back into the crowd.

"LiLi I see you made it, I thought you were busy." Shawn yelled over the loud music.

"I was, but Will insisted I cut loose while I'm home, so here I am." I answered slightly smiling.

"Well, I know you're not a partier. How about we go upstairs and talk?" He said.

"Nah, because you remeber what happened last time you said lets go upstairs."

"I was foolish and dumb for doing that, but look Liyah I've changed." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me onto the padio.

"That's what all fuck niggas say Shawn, look I came to have a good time, not to try to tie up loose ends, so if you don't mind I would really like to enjoy the party." I said pulling my hand away from his.

"Enjoy yourself." He said looking at me as I made my way back into the house.

"Having a good time?" Marlon asked as I walked in the kitchen and sat at the island.

"Yeah, have you seen my brother?" I questioned.

"Yeah, him and JoJo are outside playing cards." He said as he opened a can of soda.

"Cool, well I don't want to hold you up, go party, have a good time." I said smiling halfway.

"C'mon Liyah you know our bond is stronger than that, there's something bothering you, isn't it?"

I love Marlon as a brother, we used to be so close, but when Shawn did what he did to me I could never open up to Marlon like I used to because I always thought he'd end up treating me like Shawn did. Get what he wanted and then up and leave me.

"Marlon there's nothing wrong, I'm good, I promise, now go enjoy yourself." I said shooing him off.

"Well, if you need to talk, you know where to find me," he yelled out.

After dancing to a few songs I looked for Marlon to help me carry Will to the car, but I couldn't find him.

"Will get your ass in the damn car." I said struggling trying to get him in the car.

"Need help?" Shawn asked.

"Yes can you help me put him in the car."

"Sure," he answered.

After getting Will into the car I thanked Shawn.

"Look Liyah I apologize."

"Save the bullshit for the birds." I answered going to the drivers side of the car.

"C'MON 'VANTE," I yell.

After he got in the car, we were on the way home.

"'Vante I thought about it and yeah you and your boys can come live with me." I said as he yelled and startled Will.

After struggling to get Will upstairs and not waking my parents I decided to take a nap.

What do you guys think about Aaliyah letting DeVante live with her in Houston?

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