Hair and Beauty

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Hello Beautiful Creatures! I just wanted to start off by introducing myself, my name is Victoria and I will be taking care of all your hair and beauty related niggles and glitches! 

Well guys, you know what’s coming up... that’s right you guessed it – HALLOWEEN! So what better way than to kick off this first issue with some of my current favourites, inspired by this spook-tastic month!  

First up I’m going to start with the beauty side and the fact (boohoo), summer is officially over! However this means we’re now welcoming in the fall and along with it a chance for us to treat our skin! It is so important, now that winter is approaching, we start moisturising our bodies. The cold weather can cause our skin to appear dull and it is more prone to dryness and cracking which is NOT attractive! Even if you are lucky enough to live in a warmer climate, the sun can be damaging and so it is STILL important to moisturise! I’d recommend butter instead of a lotion because these, in my opinion, are more hydrating and soak in quicker - so for those of you in a rush - it’s perfect! 

I can’t help but mention makeup as one the new trends I’ve seen recently grace the Runway, is one of my absolute favourite beauty looks! Is anyone else lusting after the new Topshop lip range in those deep red and purple hues?! I know I am!  

I have always been a fan of a striking lip but was too scared that I couldn’t pull it off because it is such a statement. One day however, I just bit the bullet and bought the Kate Moss Limited Edition No.107 from Rimmel and fell in love with colour from that moment on!  

These colours are perfect too for any impending Halloween parties where perhaps you don’t want to go all out, but still want to make that wow-entrance and for that reason, a popping lip colour would definitely give you that extra drama. If you’re going for bold lips, try to tone down your eyes to maybe just a sweep of light smoky grey or perhaps even just a thin stroke of liquid liner.  

Remember that there’s a fine, fine line between dramatic and drag and this line can be crossed quite easily if you go OTT your statement features. However, if that is the Halloween look you’re going for; by all means pile it on! 

Whilst we’re still on the topic of Halloween makeup, I was looking for inspiration the other day and came across this really awesome image which I have linked in the multimedia section on the right hand side. This “eye art” seems to be popping up everywhere recently and I believe it’s a really fun and creative way to jazz up your look! Brush on your chosen base colour (I personally would do  this look with a witch-like intense green shadow), metallic colours would look amazing but stay matte if you’re not brave enough yet for shimmer and then take your liquid liner/gel and draw on wide “V” shapes, making them thicker if you wish, at random points across your lid.  

I wouldn’t advise trying this with a pencil as it would most likely smudge during the night, leaving you looking like zombie bride instead of the sultry and mysterious look you were aiming for! Don’t stop there however; if you search Tumblr, WeHeartIt and Pinterest, I guarantee you will be overwhelmed with ideas to try out! Some of them are pretty tricky though, so don’t be discouraged if on your first attempt you mess up, just wipe off and start again! 

Now, for hair! Just like our skin, it’s important to start treating it properly now the winter chills are setting in. I ombre my hair and so its extra important for those of us who dye their tresses to be maintaining its glossiness; if not, we will end up with split ends, which will lead to damaged and weak hair – not what we want! To keep mine looking glossy, I use a serum, which I apply after I have dried my hair just to make it extra shiny, but it also keeps the ends soft and protected.  You do not need a lot of this product at all; one pump rubbed into your fingers will do the job no problem. If you use too much your hair will become oily and greasy which I’m not a fan of, are you? A product I recommend would be the Tony and Guy Serum, which leaves my hair feeling luscious.  

I have linked to the side a YouTube video of my favourite Hair Guru, Kaley from LetsMakeItUp1 who does some really simple yet effective styles and this was my favourite Halloween inspired video from last year, plus she’s got some great new ones out too, so you should also check them out for some more inspiration! 

Well that’s it for the first Hair and Beauty section from me guys this month! Don’t forget to vote and follow the magazine so you don’t miss out on future updates and please comment below your opinion on the things I’ve mentioned or let me know if you’re tried any of them out! I’d love to hear from you! 

Stay gorgeous! 


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