Hottest Fandoms

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Fandoms. We're all part of one, two, possibly fifty, and sometimes it gets hard to keep track of the interesting things happening in each one. Have no fear, because I'll be collecting the hottest, most exciting information that I can find for a variety of different fandoms. 

First up, everyone's favourite wizard, Harry Potter! Potterheads should be excited, because after two years of inactivity in the fandom, J.K. Rowling is back in business with her screenwriting debut. A new spinoff movie series has been announced, based on a character that was barely mentioned in the original series. Newt Scamander, author of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", is the main character, and it's based around him travelling the world for his book. It begins in New York City, a very different setting to our beloved Hogwarts in England. Of course, this is set way in the past so the golden trio won't be in it, but we're sure that it will be just as exciting without them.

Any Initiates out there? Fans of Veronica Roth's trilogy, Divergent, this month's been busy for us! Allegiant, the third and final book, was released October 22. Everyone's excited to read it, especially after that last cliffhanger in Insurgent! People have been a bit unsure of the quotes released, seeing as it's been written in different points of view (Tris' and Four's), unlike the first two books which were entirely in Tris' point of view, but I'm sure that Veronica won't let us down!

There's also the Divergent movie, which is coming out next year in March! We've been given a lot of stills, some amazing movie posters, and even two teaser trailers including a heap of vital scenes (the jump, the knife throwing, etc). Fans (including myself) are very upset to hear that Uriah will not be included in the movie, but we hope that he will make an appearance if they make a sequel. Tris is being played by Shailene Woodley, who is also starring in the TFIOS movie, and Four is Theo James.

If any of you are on Tumblr, you're sure to know about the hype surrounding Sherlock season 3. It's been two long, crazy years for the Sherlockians, but we're finally getting some action! After 25 second teaser trailers and cheeky interviews with the cast and producers, season three is coming up fast! All three episodes (yes, they're still going with the torturous pattern of only three episodes a season) have been filmed, and now it's just a countdown to the release date, whenever that is. The season is set to take place immediately after the last one ended, and apparently the reuniting of John and Sherlock is "hair-raising". (Maybe that's a reference to John's terrible moustache shown in the trailer.) We're all just anxious to find out how Sherlock really did it! 

Tributes, only one month until Catching Fire! Everyone is pumped and excited to see the sequel of The Hunger Games, and we've been getting some great stills from the movie while we wait. There have also been trailers, and (gasp) the soundtrack for the movie has been released on iTunes! We'll be listening to the music of the movie right until it comes out.

Now for a bit of media fandom news, One Direction! 1D has been performing their Take Me Home tour in Australia, and can I just say from experience that it has been amazing. The boys are absolutely energetic the whole time, and even between Louis losing his voice and Liam hurting his foot (blame Niall), they're upbeat and happy. Midnight Memories will be released next month, with the new single, "Story of my Life". The boys each tweeted about the single, including an adorable baby photo of each of them. Really, of you haven't seen baby Niall in an army uniform, you'll want to check this out. They've also announced a seven hour long live stream that will take place on the 23rd of November, now being called "1D Day". This, of course, clashes with the Day of the Doctor, causing a lot of rivalry and fighting between Directioners and Whovians.

As I just mentioned, the Day of the Doctor is coming up on the 23rd of November. It's not just going to be the 50th anniversary special, but a whole heap of other television and radio programmes about doctor who being played before and after. In some places there are even going to be movie viewings, but you can still enjoy it in your lounge room. Pictures have been released from shooting, and they're getting us all excited. There are some great pictures of Matt, David, and John all together in the TARDIS, as well as some shots of Jenna. We've also been told that Catherine Tate and Billie Piper will be back, but Rose hasn't been seen in any pictures or even the trailer! But, knowing Moffat, they're probably just trying to worry us ;) There's also been a bit of controversy over the whole "the doctor can only regenerate 12 times" thing, but Moffat has told us to look over the past regenerations, saying there was something we've missed. Dang it Moffat!

That's all in the hottest fandoms for this month, stay tuned with Spark Magazine for another update next month! Also, leave the names of any fandoms that you'd like to be mentioned next time in the comments, and I'll see what I can do. 

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