Hollywood Movie Talk

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Greetings to all of you , and I hope you like this article, as it is my first. Before we begin, I thought you should know a little bit about me.  I’m 16, from America, and I dig everything comic-related. Therefore, I’m really really sorry if a disproportionate amount of time is spent on nerd stuff. However, I do plan to mention Action and Sci-Fi stuff, and to force myself to dig up stuff on upcoming romance movies as well. Every article will be in three segments. First, the movies portion of the article, and then the T.V. show portion. The third portion will be a review of a random movie or T.V. show regardless of release date (I’d do the Wizard of Oz if I wanted). I take requests if you want me to watch a specific movie and review it, but it has to be viewable from Netflix. If it isn’t on Netflix, I can’t review it. Sorry :(  

Anyway, I’m rambling (you’ll find I do that a lot). Now, ON TO THE ARTICLE!!!!!! 

The first item I’m going to discuss is the upcoming D.C./Warner Bros. film production Man of Steel 2. For those of you who haven’t heard, at this year’s Comic Con international, it was announced that Man of Steel 2 would be Superman vs. Batman. Christian Bale, the Batman we all loved from Christopher Nolan’s Dark Night trilogy (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises) would not be reprising his role as Batman, and those movies aren’t going to be a part of the new universe created by Man of Steel.  Therefore, the character had to be recast, and the new face of Batman is none other than Ben Affleck! In spite of the uproar against this, I urge you all to remain open-minded. Warner Bros. knows exactly what they are doing with this, and I ask you all to have faith in them.  Yes, the Christian Bale Batman was the best Batman in the history of movies, and Affleck has big shoes to fill, but he’s a more than capable actor, he can bulk up enough to take on Superman (with the help of Lex Luthor of course ;D) and I think his take will be interesting to see, based on what I’ve been hearing. If you still think Ben Affleck will never be as good as Christian Bale, remember that no one wanted Heath Ledger as the Joker either. 

The second item is the new cast list for the upcoming Expendables 3. I’ve seen Expendables 2 probably ten times, and it never gets old. It’s sort of like The Avengers for action heroes. The cast of the last film included Jet Li, Liam Hemsworth, Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and best of all, CHUCK NORRIS! First, Bruce Willis won’t be returning as Church. All plans were made for his return, but the producers reportedly cut him from production because he wanted $4 million for four days of filming in Bulgaria. Others who won’t be returning are Chuck Norris (Booker), Nan Yu (Maggie), Liam Hemsworth (obviously because SPOILER ALERT!!!!!! Billy dies). But never fear. There is plenty of returning talent, as Stallone will return to his lead role as Barney Ross. The cast also boasts a few new faces, such as Mel Gibson as the villain and others. With this all star cast, this is sure to be the best Expendables yet! 

The third item in the movie portion of this column is regarding the release of the Comic Con trailer teaser for Avengers 2, which has been christened Age of Ultron, as announced by the film’s outstanding director, Joss Whedon, at Comic Con international in San Diego, California. The trailer shows an Iron Man helmet morphing into the face of Ultron while reflecting shadowy shots of all six Avengers. At the end of the trailer, all you can hear are screams. Obviously, this is totally epic, and it literally made my hair stand on end at the end of the trailer. If anything, I’m more excited than ever about the release of this teaser, but with the film’s release date still about two and a half years away, audiences will have to wait to see just what happens to the famous Iron Man. 

The last item I’m going to discuss in the movie segment is the new title for the upcoming Transformers 4, directed by Michael Bay. After months of waiting, the movie’s new name is to be Age of Extinction, and will feature the Dinobots and all the old throwbacks like Bumblebee and Optimus Prime, but won’t feature Shia Labeof as Sam! According to Bay, This movie isn’t really about Sam, but more about the Transformers themselves in the wake of the attack on Boston. Is it good or bad that Sam isn’t going to return, and do you think his absence will hurt the film’s success? 

Obviously, the fall premier season has already started, and with it come some extremely epic shows that I’ll be quite interested in watching. Let’s start with the Big Bang Theory. OMG, I absolutely LOVE that show. It’s already taught me more than my physics teacher has, and I love all the comic book references they make, and how Sheldon acts like a huge prick all the time. The season 7 premier was one of the most watched premiers in the decade.

The second item in the TV section is regarding Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, directed by Joss Whedon. I thought the premier was largely successful, but I have heard some negative reviews that claim the dialogue was just too much like the dialogue and relationships found in Firefly, another one of Joss Whedon’s creations that ended up only airing one season. Indeed, there are interesting parallels between some of the characters. Even some of the actors are the same, like the guy that played Shepherd Book in Firefly. He had a cameo in Agents of SHIELD. Hmmm…. Is Whedon just trying to relive his old pet project, and is the originality of SHIELD in question? 

The third item is the amazing WALKING DEAD!!!!!!! Obviously, I love The Walking Dead, so I’m going to talk about it. The season finale last year wasn’t exactly a cliff-hanger, but I’m excited nonetheless. But as far as deaths, it was released the other day that Stephen Yeun, who plays Glenn Rhee on the show, has signed a contract for a different TV show. Obviously, it would be extremely hard to make two TV shows at once, considering most of them are filmed on the west coast, and The Walking Dead is filmed in Georgia. I’m not saying anything, but this makes me question Glenn’s survival into the next season. 

So now I’m going to review a movie. In an effort not to bore you guys with my comic weirdness, I’m going to talk about the movie Avatar. I love Avatar for several reasons.  First, it’s a really long movie, but it never gets boring. I was literally on the edge of my seat during all four hours of the film. I thought the special effects were great, and I thought the cast had excellent chemistry with each other, even the ones who wore sensor suits and filmed with green screen the entire time. But the biggest shocker to me was that Sam Worthington (who plays Jake Sully) is actually British! I could have sworn he was American. He does an excellent job of hiding his accent. I think Sam Worthington as Jake Sully was a great fit, and I can’t wait to see what he does in the sequel, scheduled to hit theaters in 2015. Second, I loved the action sequences immensely. The artists did an excellent. My favorite was when Sarge jumps out of the gunship in his AMP suit and watches the gunship fall to the ground in a mass of flames. I also liked the scene where Jake has to fight the viperwolves and Neytiri saves him. This shows real acting talent on the part of the actors, and real animation genius on the part of the programmers. As for what I didn’t like about Avatar, I could only find one thing to harp on. I wasn’t crazy about the score (music). I think there was a large hole there that needed to be filled with incredible music, but it was mediocre, in my opinion. I hope in the sequel, the producer chooses a composer who can fill this void with the sort of epic-ness found in films like Star Wars, The Avengers, and the first Transformers movie. 

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this article :) shoot me a fan if you want, @KristiRothmann, and message me if you have questions. Don’t forget, if there’s a movie you want me to review, just make sure it’s on Netflix and that it isn’t an R-Rated comedy.  

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