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Calvin's POV 

I almost ran us off the road as we were driving to school. I was shocked. Erick wanted to come out with me. I really wanted to. But at the same time. I couldn't.

"Baby...have you lost your mind...don't you know if people knew I'm gay that could fuck up my football career?!" I asked him.

"Umm no." he said playing with his fingers.

"Well yea it could bae so just chill with that coming out stuff alright." I said.

"OK..." he said with a disappointed look on his face.

"Awee Bae don't sound like that for real." I said as I removed my car keys from the ignition.

"Alright..I won't." he sighed.

"Yea...Well anyways I have football practice today. So can you come and watch me today or I'll take you home...It's your choice." I said.

"I wanna come see you practice." he smiled faintly.

"Alright." I said as we both jumped out of my car. We began to walk up to the school.

Damn we looked good today. I had on my favorite white V-neck that showed off my tattoos and all my muscles,black and white cargo pants,my black, white and gray Jordan's and a matching snap-back. My bae had on some black skinny jeans, a black,gray and white shirt and and some matching shoes...courtesy of me.

"We look so good don't we bae..." I said arrogantly.

"Yes we do..." he said as we walked into the school.

When we walked in to the school we were met by Latterious at the door. He wanted to talk to me Privately..

"Good Morning Erick... May I speak to Calvin for a second?" he asked Erick.

"Mhmm...Sure." he replied as he walked away.

"Wassup ?" I said turning to Latterious.

"Did you break up with him yet... Because if you don't the entire team will know your little secret...." He smirked.

"I don't give a fuck what you do dude. Get the fuck outta my face nigga. Cause you ain't Finna break us up and that's a promise. " I said to Latterious.

He walked away from me. I went in search of my love...and I found him.

"Erick!" I called out to him. He turned around from his friends.

"Hey" he said with a smile.

"You know that nigga still wanna break us up...." I said sounding disappointed.

He shook his head.

"Its sad.....The way he is...its just sad. " he said.

"I know right....But I'm not gonna let no one break us up and I mean NO ONE." I said as I grabbed his hands.

"OK" he said with doubt in his voice.

I began to think though...What about football...What about Erick...Damn it was all so confusing. I didn't know what to do. I thought about the Love of my life Erick...I felt complete with him. Like we were meant to be together. But...I felt the same about football. Football was my life. It was my Passion. I loved it more than life itself...Damn...I chose Football..I chose football over Erick....I had a feeling I would regret this though....

Erick's POV

I was having a really good day today. But something didn't feeling right...like something bad was about to happen... I was at lunch with my friends and Calvin told me to meet him in the restroom. I did as I was told.

"What's up." I said I looked up to him in the restroom. He looked at me with a stone cold look in his face. ...

"It's Over..." Calvin said to me.

"What do you mean ?!" I said as my voice cracked.

"What me and you had....its dead..." he said as he left me In the restroom.

I tried to hold back the tears but they came anyway. I slid Down the wall and cried into my knees. If felt as if my heart was ripped out of my chest. I felt like I was dying.....

:( Will Erick ever recover from this heart break and Will Erick and Calvin ever end up back together???? Tune In next time to see. Hope Y'all enjoyed it.

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