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Erick's POV

My confidence was very high today. I felt Invincible. He made me feel this way. Heaven must have lost an angle. He got my heart in a choke hold. He got my love on overload...

I walked toward Calvin. He couldn't keep his eyes off of me.

"Good Morning." he said smiling at me.

"Good Morning." I smiled.

I felt some type of way around him. This feeling seemed to be growing stronger and stronger.. This feeling had to be Love. I wondered...How did he make me feel this way...How did he make me feel like I was on cloud 9....As we walked into the hallway he leaned down to me.

"I love you he said looking into my eyes.

"I love you to. "I said while I looked into his beautiful eyes.

We continued upstairs were we ran into my Best friend Aaron. He gave us an Evil glare. Concern came over me. He usually wasn't like this. Calvin was becoming a little defensive. He got in front me as we continued up the stairs.

"Why he lookin' at us like that?" Calvin asked.

"I don't know I'll ask him in first period ..."I said.

"Alright.." he said in a calm voice.

I just noticed that Calvin stood up for me.. He's actually protective. That's what I liked about him. He may tell me that he loves me, But he actually shows me that he dose. We walked into my math class.

"Thank You for walking me to class." I said.

"No Problem." he said winking at me.

I felt my face turning red hot. Aaron walked in the classroom after Calvin left.

"Hey Aaron." I said has he sat in the desk next to me.

"Hey." he said as he glared at me.

"What's wrong with you." I said with a concerned look on my face.

"Nothing." he said looking down at the desk.

"Oh OK.." I said awkwardly.

Aaron's POV

I'm so fucking jealous of Erick..My Best Friend....How the fuck could he become friends with my secret crush. I just don't understand. I've had a crush on Calvin for two years..I always thought he was straight. I know he was straight for a fact. All the girls that chased him...All the girls he had...all the girls he fucked.. It just didn't make sense. I wonder...What are they doing together. Why are they growing so close. Only time will tell...Yea...That's true...But I'm getting a little impatience. I need answers and I'm gonna get them...I'm gonna stalk them....

Erick's POV

I was on the last math problem and the bell rang. 'Damn' I said to myself. I finished the math problem and turned in my paper to the teacher.

"Bye Aaron...See your in Art.."I said.

"Bye." he said with a smirk on his face. I met Calvin at the door waiting for me.

"How was English?" I asked

"It was alright...Did you ever ask your little friend why he was looking at us like that.." he asked.

"Yea I did...He said..It wasn't nothing..." I said.

"Mhmmm...Yea..OK..."Calvin said.

Calvin's POV

I just couldn't believe what Aaron said . It couldn't be true because of the way he looked at my bae... It kinda pist me off. I was ready to whoop some ass if I have to. Cause ain't NOBODY finna mess with my bae and that's a PROMISE. We walked toward his next class which was theater. We just had the cutest lil convo on the way there. We talked about going on a second date. It made me feel good that I made him happy enough for him to even consider going on another date with me. As we stood next to door I told him to meet me behind the gym after school.

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