Swinging my legs over my bed I felt the intense pain hit me. I doubled over before getting off the bed.

That's when the door opened again. I held my breathe hoping it wasn't Ryan.

"Thank god you're okay, where's Ryan?" James asked.

I was so happy to see him.

"I don't know he said he was going to get the nurse".

"Are you close?" He placed his hand on my stomach.

I nodded.

"London Sadé come to us baby girl" he said to my stomach.

"James please just hold on my hand" I whined.

"I'm so happy our baby will be making her presence very soon" he kissed my forehead.

The door flew open to see Ryan and a nurse right behind him. They both stood still at the sight of James.

"Why is he here?, it's only suppose to myself and you in here".

"No correction I am the father so you should leave so we can enjoy this moment together" James suggested.

"Excuse me, can you get security this man is obviously harassing us" she looked terrified and didn't know what to do.

Just then Marisa shows up out of nowhere pissed the hell off. She stood still just waiting for someone to say something.

"Thank god you're here!" I exhaustingly said.

"You are one lucky bitch you know that. And why are these two in here. Well James I know but why is Ryan in here?".

"Because I'm the father of this baby... Shouldn't you be minding your business somewhere else?".

"Ryan let's not go there. Do not come for me unless I send for you. Now can you leave so these two can have this baby in peace".

"I'm not leaving!. James needs to leave this is my baby!" He yelled.

"Who are you yelling at?. I said leave!. Get out!" She yelled back.

Ryan eyes started to get dark and I already knew what that meant.

"I tried to come here in peace but fuck it" she grabbed a gun out of her waistline and pointed it at Ryan. "Now what?. I'm just tired of you and James but since James hasn't been crazy lately I'll let him slide".

"Well thank you so much" he sarcastically said.

"James shut up not now!" I hissed.

"Now Ryan I said leave or I'll shoot you in self defense. You choose!. And don't do anything stupid either cause I'll just shoot you anyway".

"You wouldn't shoot me. You're a woman I highly doubt your aim is any good. And like I said I'm not leaving".

"If you say so!" She pulled the trigger shooting Ryan in the foot.

"What the fuck your shot me?!". He knelt down looking at his bleeding foot.

"Well I warned you. See this is the problem. You white boys don't be taking me seriously. It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Stupid!" She waved her gun around to make her point.

"Can we not wave that thing over towards us. No offense" James nervously said.

"Ryan it looks like you'll need assistance for that foot. So my friend here Nurse Williams will take you into a special room to stitch you up".

The nurse quickly helped him up and walked him out.

"Now you guys have a baby already. And I'll be back once I help my brother arrest Ryan in the special room".

"I love you so much" I screamed.

"I know, I know" she fanned me off.

The doctor came inside smiling knowing it was time to have this baby.

"Okay Cassie she is coming fast. The head is already crowning. So a couple more pushes and she'll be here".

I nodded and continued to push.

Felt like I was pushing forever until I heard the first cry. That cry made me cry. James was amazed at how small she was.

"London Sadé, you're here" he placed a small kiss on her little head

All I could do is smile. I was beyond exhausted and from all the shit I've been through today I needed sleep.

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