Road Trip

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A month later...

Things have been going good. My boss hasn't been too much on me at work so it wasn't obvious something was going on between us. These long hours were killing me at first but I've gotten used to them.

The weirdest thing happened the women who were my "friends" weren't talking to me anymore. Actually anytime I came close to them they gave me this look.

I had some important papers to give to James so I went to his office. That's when I heard him screaming at someone over the phone. I just stood there, I didn't want to disturb anything. He turned to look at me and smiled and signaled me to come in.

"Sorry about the yelling. It's the only way I get across to some people".

"I wasn't even listening nor is it my business. But I have these papers here" as I handed it to him. I turned to leave but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him letting me fall onto his lap.

"Where do you think you're going?".

"Back to work".

"And not give me a kiss?" as he grabbed my face and kissed me. I pulled back and just looked away. That's when my mind was racing thinking people suspected this was happening.

"What's wrong?" As he played with the ends of my hair.

"It's just people here are acting strange around me. The women here no longer talk to me instead they just give me this stank look" as I looked down playing with my fingers.

"Cassie, who cares what they think. I'm the one who you should be worried about. I can easily fire you or I can promote you. As long as we're happy that's all that matters".

"I guess".

"Exactly!. Come here and let me finish what I was doing" as he grabbed my face.

About 5 mins later I walked out his office and went to organize some other paperwork when I notice Lisa behind me.


"What's up?".

"Well I have a question".


"Are you sleeping with the boss?".

"No why?" As I lied.

"There's a rumor going around saying someone saw you guys out together".

"Not me" as I lied again.

"Oh ok good I wasn't about to say" as she walked off to her station.

That night I was getting ready for bed. As I tied on my heard scarf and was about to lay down in my bed my phone starts buzzing. I groan cause my bed felt so warm and now I have to get up into the cold air.



"What now?".

"I'm actually outside cause I wanted you to accompany me".

"Really? At this time of night".

"Yes I have a meeting upstate and I don't want to go alone so I want you with me".

"Then leave in the morning".

"It's a long drive I rather leave now and why are we going back and forth!. If you don't come with me you're fired!. It's that simple".

"You're unbelievable!. Just wait I'll be out in a few".

I'm getting so sick and tired of him threatening me that'll he will fire me if I don't do what he wants. I put my jeans on and my boots. Along with oversized sweater and my peacoat and walked out.

"Nice hat there".

"It's my head scarf to keep my hair intact".

"I don't get it".

"You wouldn't!. Anyway what's this meeting about anyway?".

"About finances".

"Sounds like a good time" as I sarcastically said.

"Exactly why I needed you to come along I needed someone to keep this trip exciting".

"And you're wife isn't exciting?".

"She's the total opposite".

I couldn't stop yawning never mind I just got off from work 2 hours ago and it's now 1am. All I could see we're the street lights passing us by as he drove.

Dozing off to sleep when I woke up it was about 7am. He was pulling into a off road diner.

"Morning sleeping beauty".

"Are we there yet?".

"Another 30mins and we should. Let's eat cause I'm starving".

He couldn't be any further from the truth. As we walked into the diner all I could smell was bacon. There were about a scattered 5 people sitting and eating.

We took a seat in one of the empty booths. The older waitress came over to us and took our orders.

"So Cassie I'm curious to know how come you don't have a boyfriend?".

"Well because the guys in interested in I don't think they date black women".

"Let me shed light on that. Being white I can say 50% of us are either curious or wanting to date black women but some are scared to".

"Then that's why I'm single".

"That's too bad for them now isn't it".

"Since we're asking questions, how come you and your wife don't have any kids?".

"Cause I don't want kids!. Never wanted to".


"I don't like to share, Cassie. Let me guess you want kids?".

"Of course, at least two. I love kids".

"Which reminds me are you on the pill?".

"No!. And I'm not going on it. It makes you gain weight and you get blood clots".

"I guess condoms will have to work then. But promise me something".


"If you happen to get pregnant that you tell me and that we discuss what we do from there. Do not hide it from me!".

"I promise". He was stern about that I wonder if something happened previously that he even made me promise about that.

"Good well since we got that handled let's eat!".

"I have one more question".


"Why me?".

"Cassie you're a pretty girl and you know that which I like. You have confidence in yourself. Ever since you started working for me I've seen you grown into a woman. I've been watching you ever since".

"Just wanted to make sure you weren't trying to feed some need to be with a black woman".

"If you must know I've been with my fair share of black woman. Actually I usually go for the dark skin ones but you are the lightest I've been with".

"That's good to know".

With that we finished our breakfast and got back on the road. I'm just going to doze off for another 30 mins.

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