Rescue or Nah?.

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Beep, Beep....

I turned around to check what time is was. It's 3am in the morning. Who the hell is texting me this late?. Picking up my phone I saw an unknown number that I've never seen before.

About to just to ignore the message I happen to see Cassie's name in the beginning text...

It's me Cassie!. Please call the police... I need help!. James kidnapped me and we are in Toronto at the Hilton hotel. Our suite number is 3452... I don't know how long we are going to be here for but please please get help!. He's crazy!. And DO NOT TEXT ME BACK AT THIS NUMBER!.

See I told her to not get involved with this man. And what does she do... Now her ass is in a sticky situation and she's pregnant. It's too early for this shit today!. Sitting in my bed contemplating what to do. But she's my best friend and no matter what I have to do something.

Getting dressed and I didn't care what I looked like at the moment. I drove down to the precent... Luckily my brother works there so this won't be too much of a hassle.

"Good morning!. How may I help you?" As the women typing in the computer asked me.

"Yeah I'm here to see Bobby V. I'm his sister" as I smiled back.

"Sure just wait here while I page him". She talked on the phone while eyeing me up and down. "You can go up to see him" as she fake smiled at me.

"Thank you". Once I got up to his office I took a seat while he was on the phone.

"Let me call you back" as he hung up the phone. "Haven't seen you in a long time!. What's up?".

"I have an issue and I need your help". I sat there and explained all of Cassie's issue. "And I need you to find her before he does something to her".

"Hmm... I'll try but you have to understand this case is out of my jurisdiction. He must've known that if he took her out of the country".

"Well any help is something. Even though she got herself in this mess I can't just not doing anything. Plus I know how crazy he is".

"I'll get my partner on this case but make sure you don't tell anyone about this. I don't want anything getting back to him. Because if that happens he'll move to another location".

"Okay my lips are sealed. And thank you brother".

After that long morning at the precent I needed coffee. I made my way to Starbucks and ordered my favorite coffee. Putting sugar in my coffee I heard a familiar voice. Slowly looking up I see Ryan frantically talking on the phone. He spots me and walks over.

"You're Cassie's friend right?". He just waited for my response.

"Who wants to know?". I couldn't stand him or his brother.

"Listen I just wanted to know if you heard from Cassie?. I'm worried about her and our baby".

"I haven't. Why are you so worried?" As I lied.

"Well when we went out for dinner my brother came by and went crazy. He ended up assaulting me and taking Cassie with him. I know he took her to Toronto. But what he's capable of is what I'm worried about".

"Oh well if I hear anything I'll let you know". Now if you think I'm stupid to let him know she texted me and what not that he's going to tell his brother. Oh no!. Not me.

"Thank you" as he walked out the door.


"Cassie dinner is ready come eat!" As he yelled.

We literally been here for a month now. I'm starting to think that text I sent out didn't send. I sighed as I walk up to the candle lit table. James mental health isn't getting any better.

"Why are there candles lit on the table?" As I took my seat.

"Cause I wanted to make this romantic as possible. You're still my girl, Cassie"

"Oh... Umm you don't find this odd?. What you're doing is wrong James. At the end of all this I still won't be yours. It's like your in denial about everything".

"Cassie don't ruin the moment!. I'm tying to be calm and not hurt you. And with that mouth of yours it's getting harder and harder".

"What moment?!. We are eating food that you're forcing me to eat with you!. We've been here for so long that I'm due soon and I refuse to give birth in this room with you!". I crossed my arms over my chest with straight attitude on my face. I'm done being nice cause it's obviously not getting me anywhere.

He got up and grabbed me by my arm roughly coming close to me. "Let me explain something to you!. You are mine and always will be mine. You are tainted with my brother because he knocked you up. But in the end we have the same blood. Just suck it up and deal with the fact you're going to be with me until you give birth and after. My brother doesn't deserve this child!. It should've been mine!".

"But it's not so maybe you should deal with reality and let me go!". Before I knew he slapped me across the face. Feeling the stinging effects from the slap just gave me more motivation to fight.

"That's all you're good for is to hit women right!. You're a coward James and you always was. Do you hit your wife too?. The women is sick and you probably slap her around as well. You're a poor excuse for a man!".

He threw me on the bed with his hands wrapped around my neck. His eyes were black. I tried fighting him off but he was too strong for me. Before I knew it everything went black.


I would like to say I'm sorry the updates for this book have been so long. Writers block is a bitch. But hopefully I can update more often. Cause I hate when I'm reading a book and I have to wait months for an update. So bare with me!.

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