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It was hard but for the past month I kept my distance from James and Ryan. Trust me it wasn't easy, especially with James. He tried everything to get me to talk to him. But I kept my will to not be bothered by any of them.

My tummy is getting bigger. It hit me yesterday I'm going to be a mommy to a baby. I'll have someone depending on me for everything. It's a scary thought. I guess in a way I thought I would have the father helping as well.

I know the DNA test results came in. But I'm scared to know who's the father. Hence why both men have been trying to no end to talk to me. But for my own sanity I needed the break.

Work is no different. I wish I could quit but I need the money for this baby.

"Cassie?. Can you come in my office please?" As James calmly asked.

I didn't move I stayed in my seat. I knew what he wanted to talk to me about. Figuring if I keep ignoring it, it'll go away. Or not.

"Cassie?!. My office NOW!" As he shouted this time.

"You better get in there. Lately he's been on edge. Maybe wifey and him are having trouble" as my coworker warned me.

I sighed as I up slowly and made my way to his office. It's either now or never!.

"Get in here!" As he grabbed my arm pulling me inside. He slammed his door and pushed me against it. He blocked me in with his arms as he examined my face.

"Hi, Cassie!. Haven't heard from you for a whole month!. I wonder why?".

"Listen, can you just tell me why you called me in here. I have work to do" as I said proudly.

"Work?. You're lucky I don't fire you for the way you've been acting towards me. Especially after you could carrying my child" as he rubbed my belly.

"Can I go now?" As I asked.

"No!. Talk to me Cassie!. How have you been?. How's the baby doing?" As he stood right infront of me waiting for me to answer.

"We're both fine!. And now if you don't mind I would like to get back to work?" As I rolled my eyes.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" As he smirked in disbelief.

"Want me to do it again?. I guess not" as I smirked back.

"Cassie is getting a little brave now. It must be the pregnancy hormones" as he smiled.

"Whatever!. Can I go now?" As I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I got to say... With you giving me lip it's somewhat sexy" as he came closer to me.

"I'm not doing this anymore!" As I yelled.

"Doing what?. Something you like to do" as he titled his head.

"I'm done with you and your brother. The only thing that matters to me now is this baby. And I don't need you or the other crazy fuck stressing me out".

"Cassie, I don't know who your fooling but I know and you know this isn't you. You'll be back when things get tough for you. And don't come looking for me for a dime" as he pointed out.

"You know that's funny!. I never asked you for a dime. I just said if this baby is yours... All I need from you is to be a father. Otherwise I don't really need you. Now can I leave?" as I said sarcastically.

"Listen you little bitch!. I don't like this new attitude of yours. Hopefully it's the hormones and if not then we will have a tough time for the rest of this pregnancy!. And if you think I won't go and get full custody of this kid try me".

"Oh is the baby yours?. I see the DNA results came in. Congrats!" As I clapped dryly.

"You know what... I'm not telling you whose the father. Go ask Ryan!" As he yelled.

"You two are sad pathetic excuse for human beings. I don't know what I saw in either of you" as I said close to his face. Showing him I not scared of him anymore.

His eyes got dark as he looked at me closely. I was waiting for him to do something. He just stood there watching me in amazement. "You didn't have to see anything. All you really saw was two cocks you couldn't wait to slide on" as he pushed me.

"Can't teach a old dog new tricks" as I shook my head. I felt like challenging him.

"Coming from you... I don't know if I should take that as an insult or a compliment".

"Take it however you like" as I turned around.

"Like I took you?" As he questioned me.

"No like how you took your wife. Oh wait!. No you didn't take anything there. Maybe you should... Then you wouldn't feel tempted to fuck other women" as I shrugged.

I didn't see him charge at me. All I felt was his hands hit me in my face. The stinging feeling of his large hands slapping me across the face. I stood up surprised he hit me.

"I see that's the only way to calm you down, huh?" As he's holding his hand.

"You hit me!" As I was in shock.

"That was your fault!. You wouldn't shut the fuck up about my wife. I told you she's not your concern!. But yet, you still have the need to bring her up".

"Fuck you, James!" As tears started filling my eyes.

"Listen, I'm sorry!. Okay just don't cry" as he tried to console me.

"Don't you ever touch me again and if you do I'll make sure the cops are involved" as I threatened.

"Don't tell anyone about this!. And if you do god help me Cassie!" As he glared at me.

"What?. You'll hit me again. Nevermind I'm pregnant and you still slapped me. Why?. Because I was stating facts?".

"Cassie get out of my office. You have the rest of the day off" as he pointed towards the door.

"Wow!. A bribery so I'll keep my mouth shut" as I shook my head. I felt my face heating up. I knew a mark was in the process of showing up there.

"Get out!" As he yelled.

"I quit!. I don't need this from you or anyone.
Have a wonderful life" as I exited out.

He walked out of his office grabbing my arm and walking me outside.

"You better be here tomorrow or I will be at your house" as he threatened.

"You already hit me!. I mean should I be scared?" As I kept walking away. I heard a loud bang to only see he slammed his fist into the wooden wall making a bend in the wood.

The therapist was right. I don't need this and him hitting me only proves she was right. I need to get out of this town and quick.

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