Baby shower troubles

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Marissa and Cassie 👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽

It's been a coupe of days since I was released from the hospital and dealing with my moms passing. I did listen to Ryan and tried to keep myself busy so I wouldn't be upset all the time.

But today Marissa is throwing me a baby shower. And I do wish my mom could be there but she'll be here in spirit I guess. It's supposed to be all women but Ryan insisted that he be invited since he's the father of the baby. Marissa was not budging on that but I talked her into just letting him come by.

"Are you almost ready?... I know you're pregnant and all but it doesn't take this long to get ready?", she walked in looking at me.

"I'm almost ready. You try having a huge belly covering your feet. It's a lot to work around", I slipped on my shoes and waddled my way.

"About time!. You know how my mother can be when shit don't be on time".

I nodded and walked outside to the backyard and it was beautiful. The theme was a "white" theme. Everyone was wearing white and most of decor was white too. It was very simple.

The guest starting making their way and greeting me as well.

Ryan showed up, he looked groomed to say the least. Marissa rolled her eyes in disgust. I nudged her and she just gave me a look.

"Cassie why don't you and Marissa take a picture together?", Ryan insisted.

We both looked at each other and posed as she placed her hand on my belly. I tried to look happy as I could but I wasn't.

After all that I had to pee so I hurried inside and that's when I felt my phone buzz. I didn't recognize the number so I answered it anyway.


"Cassie?!... It's me James. Listen--".

"How dare you call me?!. You killed my mother you sadistic asshole!. Don't ever call me again!. I hope you rot in prison".

"Cassie please listen to me!. I didn't kill anyone!. He's trying to--".


The call got disconnected. I sighed and blocked his number as well. I don't want him calling me. Ever.

A knock on the door made me jump.

"Someone's in here".

"It's me Cassie!. Just wanted to make sure you're okay".

"I'm fine just finishing up using the bathroom. I'll be right out".

"Okay, I'll see you outside". I heard his footsteps disappear from door.

Drying my hands with a napkin, Marissa pulled me into a room and shut the door.

"What's wrong?", she looked upset.

"You know when it takes only one person to make the energy of a room weird?. Well that's Ryan. He's just standing around with his shades on watching people as he sips his drink".

"He's shy you know that. Plus, he's surrounded by women".

"Cassie... Listen he's giving off this off vibe. It's like he's--".

"Cassie?!. Where are you?". Ryan shouted my name all through the house.

"See?!. He's not right. You've been out of sight for not even 6 mins and he's looking for you. This is why I didn't want to invite him".

"It'll be fine, lets go open gifts or cut the cake. Something!". I opened the door and walked out to only greet an angry Ryan.

"Where the fuck were you?". He moved his shades and his eyes showed how angry he was.

"I was in the room because Marissa had a surprise gift for me, why?".

He sighed loudly and looked away before saying "no reason, I was just worried about you that's all. Let's go open gifts okay?".

"Sure, that's where I was heading anyway". We intertwined our hands together and walked outside to the backyard.

Marisa helped me sit in the big white chair so I could open my gifts. A lot of ooo's and ahhh's and I am definitely set for this baby.

After the shower, Marissa  wanted me to stay with her so her brother could come by and congrats me on being pregnant. Ryan didn't want to stay and I told him he could always leave but he insisted we leave together.

"Big bro!, about time you show up", Marissa smiled and hugged her brother.

"I was tied up at work today!. But where's Cassie?", he was holding a big pink gift bag.

"Right there smiling at whatever my mom said". He walked over to me smiling and handed me the bag.

"Congrats on the baby and I'm happy you're safe". He looked up and saw Ryan shooting him daggers through a stare.

"And I want to thank you for saving me. God knows what would've happened if you didn't".

"You're forever welcome!". I slowly stood up and hugged him.

"Cassie let's go, now!. It's getting late and you need as much rest as possible", he grabbed my arm and pulled me off of Marissa's brother.

"Ryan what is wrong with you?". I raised my brow at him for embarrassing me.

"It's getting late let's go!. I already packed the gifts in the car".

I sighed and looked over my Marissa who was ready to pounce on Ryan but I gave her a look to calm her down. I waved and said my thank you's for everything before walking out.

Ryan didn't say a word the whole ride. Which was making it awkward.

"I'm sorry!. For the way I was acting", he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I don't know what to say", I shrugged and watched him.

"It's just I'm stressed out with you being safe and with James and everything it's getting to me".

"Don't worry about James he's where he belongs now".

"True. But did you have fun at the shower despite me being a grump?".

"Of course we have more than enough for this baby", I smiled and rubbed he back of his neck trying help hm relax.

"Thank you", he took my hand and kissed it.

But the incident earlier was still in my head...

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