Ch 15: At Last

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The next morning, Stiles woke up with the biggest smile on his face. This was the first time he's woken up and didn't have to serve anyone in twelve years. It was truly a satisfying thing to wake up to.

The twins were also moving out today which was exciting for Stiles. No more getting coffee for Jackson in the morning. Stiles would miss putting something in his coffee every morning, but he sure as hell wasn't gonna miss them. He didn't really care where they moved to as long as they were off of his property by the end of the day.

Stiles was kind enough to rent them a U-Haul truck to get all their stuff out of his house sooner. He was also kind enough to let Jackson keep his Porsche because even Stiles wasn't petty enough to take a man away from his baby. When Stiles went downstairs, he saw Jackson and Theo packing up the last few things in the truck before school.

"Stilinski do you really have to kick us out?" Jackson asked. Stiles nodded. "Absolutely oh and by the way I'm taking my room back." Stiles said. Jackson frowned and began walking out of that house for the last time with Theo following behind. Stiles watched the boys leave his property forever with a pleased smile on his face.

Stiles was only wearing boxers, a t-shirt, and socks like in Risky Business. Once they left, he immediately began dancing around the house just like Tom Cruise. This was the start of something beautiful. After he was done dancing, he plopped on his couch.

"I could do this for the rest of my life."


Stiles went to school with the biggest smile on his face. He was happier than usual and he swore he hasn't been this happy in twelve years. Things were finally going his way. When he opened his locker, a little note fell out onto the floor. He picked it up and read it.

Meet me at the rose garden near the lake after school ~ Lydia 💋

Stiles smirked after he read it and closed his locker. "Ooo la la you gotta love note from Lydia." Scott said behind him. Stiles chuckled. "Yeah yeah she probably still doesn't know it's me." Stiles said. Scott scoffed. "Whether she knows or not, she's gonna fall in love with your charming self." Scott said. Scott put a hand on his shoulder.

"Dude you actually have a chance with Lydia Martin the teen model. Your life is like a fairy tale dude." Scott said and walked off. Coach Finstock walked by and saw Stiles smiling for a change. "You look happy Stilinski." Coach said. Stiles rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah well my life is finally going in the right track and it's all thanks to you." Stiles said. Coach made a crooked smile.

"You deserved it Stilinski. Sometimes you have to be patient and deal with the storm in order to see the sun again." Coach said and walked off. Coach was right. He's been to hell and back, and all that pain and suffering was worth it in the end.

*****After school*****

Stiles was at his house freshening up before he met up with Lydia. He put on something less casual but not too fancy, brushed his teeth, and gelled his hair a little. Once he felt good about his appearance, he got in his Jeep and drove to the rose garden. Once he parked in the grass, he saw her sitting on the bench waiting for him. He got out his car and began walking towards her. She turned around when she heard him.

He examined what she was wearing. She was wearing a braid on top of her head but her hair was down, red matt lipstick, white flats, and a white strapless dress. To top it all off, she was wearing his mother's necklace. She kept fondling with it for some reason.
She smiled when their eyes met from a distance.

"Hey." She said finally. "Hey." Stiles said back. He walked up to the bench and sat beside her. He nervously shook his knee and looked at the roses around them. As if she could read minds, she put her hand on his knee.

"There's no need to be nervous around me Stiles. I just wanted to talk to you." Lydia said. Stiles looked at her beautiful green orbs. "Okay talk." Stiles said. Lydia began fondling the necklace again. "I know that you're Prince Charming." Lydia said. Stiles didn't say anything he just gazed at her shocked.

"I also know that you're the one who saved me from that cliff a month ago, and I'm more than grateful for that." Lydia said. Stiles remained mute as she spoke. "I invited you here because I've been wanting to say something to you for what seems like forever." Lydia said. Stiles finally found his voice. "And what would that be Madam?" Stiles asked.

Lydia stared deep into Stiles golden eyes. "I'm in love with you Stiles." Lydia said. Stiles was speechless for a moment, but he eventually cupped her face and traced her cheekbones.

"Oh Lydia I love you too." Stiles said. Lydia didn't waste anymore time and crashed her lips into his. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped completely around her waist. He pulled her as close as humanly possible. They continued to kiss passionately until they needed air. Once their lips separated after a good minute, they rested their heads on each other.

"I believe this is yours." Lydia said feeling the necklace around her neck. Stiles smiled and kissed her cheek. "You can keep it; it looks better on you anyway." Stiles said. She smiled and pecked his lips again. "So what are we?" Stiles asked. Lydia glanced at his lips and looked him in the eye. "A couple." Lydia answered. Stiles kissed her hand and stood up from his spot. Lydia gave him a confused look.

"Would the lovely madam dance with me?" Stiles asked in a fake French accent. Lydia grinned at him. "Gladly." She said and stood up. They walked to the middle of the rose garden and began swaying. As they danced, Stiles thought about his parents dancing like they used to in the living room. He recalls how in love they looked when they looked at each other.

They loved to dance to the song At Last as they swayed together. He remembered what his mother said all those years ago about love. She used to say you'll one day find that special somebody you have an emotional tether to. You don't want to go another day without them, and you can't imagine yourself with anybody else. Their the first thing on your mind on the morning and the last thing you think about before you go to sleep. Their the only person you could imagine a future with.

Stiles was finally starting to understand what love actually felt like. He finally understood love songs and why there were so many damn love songs in the world. It was a unique, strong, and powerful emotion. That was when he knew she was the one.

They danced similar to as thy did on the dance floor during the slow dance at the ball hugging each other. Stiles kissed her neck and held her tighter and she reciprocated. "I love you Lydia." Stiles whispered into her ear. He felt her smile into his chest. "I love you too Stiles." She said back. That was all Stiles needed to hear back.

At last, my love has come along. My lonely days are over, and life is like a song.
Ugh I mentally cried when I wrote this. This is the second to last chapter. Next chapter will be up most likely tomorrow.
Song featured: At Last by Etta James

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