Ch 13: Wrath and Realizations

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The whole school was talking about the ball and the mysterious Prince that got away. Lydia was anxious to know who the mystery man was to the point where she printed out posters on the wall saying "are you him?" With a question mark on the face. It was similar to the scene in A Cinderella Story when Austin Ames printed out pics of Sam.

Allison was watching her best friend put up posters on the wall and shook her head. "Damn girl you got it bad." Allison said as she stuck a poster on a locker. Lydia turned around and stuck her tongue at her which killed made Allison scoff.

"Oh shut up Argent. I just have to know who he was. He didn't even tell me his real name!" Lydia said trying to defend herself. Allison rolled her eyes. "What makes this guy so special anyway?" Allison asked. Lydia made an offended expression.

"He was exactly my type. He was sexy, a good dancer, witty, had a good sense of humor, perfect height, and he was-"
Allison cut her off. "Let me guess charming?" Lydia was fantasizing him right now. "Yes that's a perfect word for it, charming." Lydia said. Allison laughed at her friends little crush. "Alright let's get to gym you little hopeless romantic. You don't want to be late and get detention again." Allison said. Lydia sighed and put the rest of the posters in her locker. "Finnnneee." She said and the two walked to the hell that was waiting.

Scott ripped off one of the posters on a bulletin board and examined it. He rode his brow and nudged Stiles. "Dude have you seen this?" Scott asked giving him the poster. Stiles read it and Scott swore he saw his eyes pop out of his skull. Isaac took the poster out of his hand.

"Holy shit Lydia is searching for you." Isaac said. "Yeah no shit." Stiles said sardonically. Stiles ruffled through his hair and sighed. "Dude you gotta tell her." Scott said. Stiles looked at him as if he had clown makeup on. "Are you insane?! I'm already in some deep shit with Peter! Can you imagine what he'd do to me if he found out about this?! This is almost worse than what I did this past month!" Stiles said.

"Look dude you can't run forever. Eventually you'll have to tell her." Scott said putting a hand on his shoulder. "Yeah at like graduation whenever I never see her again." Stiles said. Scott and Isaac rolled their eyes. "Okay whatever you say." Isaac said raising his hands in surrender. The late bell rang, and all the students began running to class. "Alright I'll catch you guys later." Stiles said and they all walked off.

*****After School*****

When the bell for last period rang, all the students jotted out as if Beyoncé were at the exit. After Lydia packed up her books, she sighed. She dealt with a lot of frauds lying about being Prince Charming all day. She was beginning to think she would never find him and maybe he just didn't wanna be found for a reason. When she exited the room, she bumped into a familiar mole covered face.

"Hey there." Stiles said. She slightly smiled back. "Oh hi Stiles." Stiles could tell she was in a bad mood. "What happened to you? You look like your favorite tv couple broke up." Stiles said. She puffed air from her nose in amusement. "Yeah sorry. I'm just a little upset and annoyed." Lydia explained. Stiles pointed at a poster.

"Is it because of him?" Stiles asked. She nodded. "Yeah I've been searching for him since the party. I need to know his name it's just been killing me inside." Lydia said. Stiles felt guilty about not telling her it was him the whole time.

"Well I hope you find him. You must've really liked him to go through all this." Stiles said. She blushed and nodded. "Yeah he's just got this mysterious and charming side to him you know?" Lydia said. Stiles nodded in understanding. Lydia reached out for his hand, but when she touched it he winced.

"Ow I keep forgetting to put something on that spider bite!" Stiles said rubbing the area. Lydia furrowed her brows in concentration. She remembers Prince Charming sayings something like that during the ball. Lydia took a good look at what he was wearing today. He was wearing a black Ron Jon's hoodie just like the guy who saved her life a month ago. She took a good long stare into his golden eyes. They were a lovely shade of sparkling brown just like Prince Charming.

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