Ch 11: Bippity Boppity Boo

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The school would not shut up about the masquerade ball this Saturday. Everybody kept on talking about what they were gonna wear or who they were escorting. It seems like everybody was going. Except for Stiles.

Even though he was able to escape the Outhouse, Peter decided to punish him by only letting him stay in the house for a month. The only places he could go was school and any other place Peter tells him to go.

He couldn't really go anywhere anyway. His Jeep was tore up from the floor up. Isaac has been picking him up ever since that crazy white bitch Erica came to town and fucked shit up.

Lydia had sent out flyers and evites to everyone in the school. They were hung up on every bulletin board in the hallway. Even Isaac and Scott wouldn't shut up about it.

"Yo I'm so ready for this masquerade ball man!" Scott said. He was picturing the perfect outfit for the ball as he danced with Allison. "Yeah me too! I haven't been this excited for something ever since we got to meet Carrie Fisher at Comic-Con!" Isaac said. "Damn that's pretty excited." Stiles said.

"Yeah I'm gonna wear my tuxedo mask cosplay, and Allison's gonna wear Sailor Moon's. It's just too perfect for the occasion." Scott said. "Oh I'm gonna wear this Great Gatsby themed outfit my brother used to own." Isaac said. "What about you Stiles?" Scott asked. Stiles looked down at the ground.

"Oh uh I'm not going." Stiles said. The two boys stared at him in disbelief. "You're joking right?" Isaac asked. Stiles nodded his head no. "Why not? You love dances of any kind." Scott said. "Yeah well I'm on house arrest, so I can't go anywhere that Peter says I can't go to." Stiles said. Scott shook his head.

"That Peter guy is getting on my last nerve." Scott said. Isaac nodded in agreement. "It's like he wants you to suffer for not doing anything wrong." Isaac said. Stiles just shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah well what're you gonna do?" Stiles said. "Dude you can't miss out on the best night of our lives. I'm pretty sure this will be better than our prom!" Isaac said. Scott nodded.

"I hate to agree to that, but I think he's right." Scott said. "I don't think you guys understand how Peter's mind works." Stiles said. The bell rang and all the kids scurried off to their classes.

"Alright I'll catch up with you guys later." Stiles said as he ran to class.

*****After school*****

Stiles didn't know why or how he felt this confident, but at the moment he didn't care. He was gonna do it. He was gonna beg Peter to let him go to the ball.

The minute Isaac dropped him off at his house, Stiles began cleaning everything in the main floor. He even cleaned things that didn't even need to be cleaned. He polished the floors and began making dinner early. Everything has to be perfect before Peter arrived in order to go.

By the time it was six, Stiles was completely done with the entire house. It took him hours, but he eventually got it done. He rested on the couch in the living room and admired his work. He smiled as he examined the house. There's no way Peter could say no to this.

The door began to unlock which made Stiles pop up out of his chair. He tried to act natural, but of course that move never works. When Peter opened the door, he looked around at the clean house in front of him. The twins were right behind him and had the same amazed facial expression as him. Stiles smiled at their reaction.

"What on earth did you do to the place?" Peter asked. "I cleaned and polished everything." Stiles said. "Everything?" Peter asked. Stiles nodded. "Yes sir, everything." Stiles said. "I even made dinner! Come sit down I've gotta surprise for all of ya." Stiles said. They all looked creeped out by his happiness since they were used to seeing him moping around.

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