Ch 10: Bloody Sunday

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Song: Keep your head to the sky-Earth, wind, and fire

It was a stormy Sunday in Beacon Hills. Weather sirens were going off all over the city, and the news reporters advised people to stay off the roads until it was clear again. Of course one of the rainiest days of the year had to be the same day Stiles had to go to the Outhouse.

Scott and Isaac woke up Sunday morning and they both noticed they got a text message. Scott read it and looked at Isaac. They both stared at each other in confusion.

"Did you get an odd text from Stiles?" Isaac asked. Scott nodded. "Yeah did it say it was real love Stiles on it?" Scott asked. Isaac nodded. They were both trying to understand what he meant to say. "Well why would he text something like that at that hour?" Isaac asked. Scott sat there in silence trying to comprehend the message. Scott's eyes widened in pure terror. He put a hand over his mouth as tears began to appear.

"Oh my god Isaac I think I know what he's about to do. We gotta go find him!" Scott said. They both charged out of their room to save their best friend.

"Just hold on buddy we're coming." Scott said.


Peter barged into his room for the second time that week. He signaled for him to get up off the floor. Stiles knew it was time. He knew it was time for him to go to the Outhouse. Stiles got up from the floor and slowly walked behind him as he guided him to the highway to hell.

He felt a lot like the children in the music video Another Brick in the Wall as he walked to the Outhouse because of how disciplined he was walking. He almost resembled a soldier. The twins were watching in amusement as they watched him march outside. Theo walked up next to him and leaned next to his ear.

"We told him everything. And I mean everything that happened this past month." Theo whispered. Stiles closed his eyes and gulped. Yep he was definitely dead now. When they got down to the middle of the woods, Peter opened the door.

Stiles looked around the small room. It was exactly how he remembered it. Spider webs and dead bugs everywhere, dried blood on the walls, chains hanging everywhere, and a tiny bucket where your supposed to use the bathroom in. Stiles almost barfed at the sight of this shit hole.

"Get in." Peter said. Stiles got in as Peter slammed the door in front of his face. Peter opened the eye level window and glared at him.

"This is what happens when peasants like you disobey the alpha of the house. I heard about everything you did this past month and I mean everything. From the moment Lydia got here all the the way until present day. You'll be in here for a very very very long time child." Peter said.

Stiles furrowed his brows. "The school will know I'm missing eventually. They'll get suspicious and assume I'm skipping or something is wrong!" Stiles said. Peter chuckled. "Don't you know I already know that? I'm just gonna tell them you're having surgery. See I'm already a step ahead of you because I'm the smart one. Oh and I almost forgot." Peter opened the door and put handcuffs on Stiles.

"Your species should always be tamed and chained down." Peter slapped him and slammed the door on his face. Lightening struck and thunder could be heard as Peter laughed evilly on the way back to the house. Stiles stood there thinking about his life. What did he ever do wrong to them? He's never even hurt them physically or mentally in their lives! He secretly carried a Swiss Army knife with him at all times in his front pockets.

Just another Cinderella story Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora