Chapter 17: // Lips - Marian Hill //

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He was dreaming. There was no way he could be awake.

He had to be dreaming, right?

Because Troye, innocent, quiet, thoughtful Troye, wasn't tracing his lips across Connor's neck and leaving soft pecks, trails of never-ending kisses. He wasn't applying pressure to desperate places and making Connor's heart beat a million times faster. There was no way in hell he was pressing their bodies closer together and looking up at Connor with dark, lustfully blown wide pupils.

That wasn't Troye. That wasn't the boy he knew.

He had to be the demon, the nightmare. There was no other explanation.

Connor tried to close his eyes upon this revelation, wishing himself awake and trying his hardest to ignore the lips attached to his collar bone, the content sighing, the weight of another boy on top of him.

It wasn't real.

It definitely wasn't real.

Harsh biting on Connor's skin caused his eyes to re-open almost immediately, as he became lost in thought. Troye's mouth unlatched itself from the body slowly but surely, instead hovering closer to Connor's lips.

"What's wrong Connor? Cat got your tongue?"

Connor couldn't find the words to speak, the phrases to utter as his eyes nervously darted towards Troye's and an extremely dark thought dawned on him.

He wasn't dreaming.

This was real.


Connor blinked nervously, almost swallowing the thought as he directed his attention towards anywhere but Troye. He couldn't hold his nerves steady enough to look him dead in the eyes again, too frightened of the prospect that he'd become lost in or drawn to them.

"You're probably confused, right?" Troye suddenly spoke again, his voice resembling the softness of mulberry silk as his hands began to roam around Connor's forearms.

A shudder of appreciation and a nod was all that Connor could manage to convey back, his lips parted but not daring to utter a sound.

"Because I'm pure and naive Troye, aren't I? I don't act out of impulse, I don't intimidate people."

He paused, his hands moving towards Connor's wrists and locking them into the sheets above his head.

"I don't take I?"

A slightly overwhelmed Connor could only shake his head hesitantly, the feeling of fingers woven around him scaring him more that it probably should've.

"But what if..." Troye whispered, his face falling closer to Connor's. "...that had all..." His grip on the wrists tightened, causing Connor to choke out hopelessly. "...been an act..." He pressed down onto Connor's heat with a sly smirk. "...and I'd wanted..." His lips were only inches away from the trembling boy underneath him. " so badly..." His breath felt warm against Connor's mouth, his eyes struggling to stay in contact with Troye's darkened pupils. "...all this time?"

Connor inhaled sharply, his throat and lips dry, a bittersweet taste in his mouth.

"Be-being nice to me was an act?"

It was the first thing Connor had managed to stutter out, curiosity taking over him as Troye's features immediately softened when he noted the concerned voice.

"Of course not." He murmured, almost surprised by Connor's words. "But maybe me coming across as so 'wholesome' all the time was. I only showed you one part of me."

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