Chapter 6: // Home - Daughter //

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"I should really get going."

Troye blinked at the sudden change in conversation, confusion setting over him as Connor took one last sip of his drink.

"Already?" He questioned, trying to mask his disappointment as Connor glanced over at him.

"You do know it's like 10:30pm right? We've been talking for hours."

Troye sight fell down towards his phone, obviously surprised by the late hour. The time had certainly flown by since he and Connor had fallen into deep conversation a few hours prior. After hearing Troye sing, the small talk had grown and gone in all sorts of directions, from where Troye had been brought up to their favourite TV shows to all that lay in between.

And even though he didn't want to admit it, Connor had actually enjoyed talking to Troye. It was interesting to hear about how different Perth was to his home town, about his hopes and dreams, about how this party had been the first one he'd been invited to in forever. From the sounds of it, Troye had been a little bit of a loner back in Australia, hence why he had jumped at the opportunity of doing a student exchange.

"Who exactly are you staying with anyway?" Connor finally asked, the question catching Troye off guard.

"Oh. Urm, well I did an exchange with this girl called Emmy and ended up with these two twins called Jack and Finn. They go to a college about ten miles away from here. I think they're studying graphic design and film making."

Connor nodded, quickly noticing a small blush setting upon the other boys cheeks. "What are they like?"

Troye's eyes grew, the colour of blue clear as he tried to look at anywhere but Connor. "They're nice."

"Nice?" Connor repeated, the smirk evident in his voice as the tinge of pink grew. "That's all?"

"Yeah. Really...really nice."

Connor didn't say anything back to that, just choosing to nod his head. "Well anyway, I really do have to go. You know...stuff to do."

Troye dipped his head, understand the situation. "Yeah, I get it."

He took a moment to pause, lifting his eyes up so he was looking at Connor directly after a while. "It was good though. Talking to you tonight."

Connor smiled, trying not to grin at the fact Troye was getting so tongue tied, in front of him of all people. It was funny in a messed up kind of way; the Troye that stood in front of him was the polar opposite to the one that frequently invaded his dreams. This Troye was shy, reserved, one that seeked constant approval. The other was confident, forward thinking, one that spoke and acted with reckless abandon.

Connor's thoughts were interrupted when Alfie arrived in the room, followed by Joe and Tyler who were clutching onto a bottle of whiskey.

"Having a good night?" Alfie grinned, with Troye opening his mouth to reply.

"Definitely." Connor cut in quickly, ignoring the surprised look Troye was throwing at him. "But I have to leave. My parents said curfew was supposed to be a half hour ago."

"Honey, you may as well stay." Tyler stumbled forward, catching Connors arm. "I mean, you're already gonna get in trouble."

"Ty..." Connor began, but the other boys finger was already on his lips.

"Shush." He slurred with a grin, before letting his eyes swivel over towards Troye to acknowledge him. "Have you seen Zoe anywhere?"

"She left a while ago."

Alfie's eyes widened. "She left?"

"Yeah." Connor sighed, loosening under Tyler's grip. "She was just in a bad mood. Didn't want to bring the atmosphere down."

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